Chapter 1

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The sun shone down on my skin as I ran across the beach. My head turned slowly to see the glossy sea shinning, blinding me for mear seconds. Everything moved in slow motion as a ran. I never ran out of breath and I never stepped on a stone or hurt my feet. Very unusual to my earlier beach experiences. With every footstep I felt the wet sand squish in between my toes. I turned my head again in front of me to see someone running twords me from across the beach. I could barely make out the person for the sun was in my eyes. Normally i would stop and wait to see who it was, but I wasn't in control of my body. I just kept running,in slow motion, twords the figure with no hesitation. I kept running until a mountain covered up the sun from my eyes and a could distinctly tell who was coming for me. I smiled as I saw the half naked (in swim trunks) shaggy black haired boy with sweet glowing light blue eyes starring at me as he ran. Arik. All of a sudden the space between us shortened and i was standing in his arms. He held me tightly not wanting to let go. I stared into his soft blue eyes as his mouth moved to speak. At first I didn't hear anything then a sound came out of his mouth that didn't sound like his voice but he was clearly speaking it. My smile disappeared as he softly whispered
"Wake up Maria, wake up"
The voice kept repeating in my head as the dream went black.

"Maria, Maria.... Maria wake up sweety" the soothing voice of my mother came to my ears. "Your going to be late for the bus"

And with those words I quickly sat up and rubbed my eyes. Disappointment rushed over me when I realized it was all a dream. I swung my legs over to the side of the bed and slowly stood up. On my way to my bathroom I had to grab every piece of furniture on the way to steady myself from falling over.  I almost slapped my head when i realized that i could have turned my lamp on by my bed so i wouldn't have to trip over everything. I finally
Made it the bathroom door and opened it slowly. I reached my hands in first and clicked on the light, quickly reaching my hands up to cover my eyes when the light turned on.  After a few seconds of waiting for my eyes to refocus i grabbed my tooth brush off the holder above the sink and began brushing my teeth. I stared at myself in the mirror regretting i ever woke up. After i brushed my teeth i grabbed my hairbrush and attempted to bring it down to normal size. With every stroke of the brush it got tangled between the thick brunette hair i called my own. After a couple of tugs and pulls i finally got my hair to settle a bit more. It wasn't  perfect but after a couple mins in the shower will probably help it. Looking at the clock above my bathroom door and noticing i have at least an hour before the bus comes i turn the hot water to the shower on and go into my room to grab my clothes for the day. I rummaged through my dresser drawers and my closet full of clothing but nothing seemed right to wear for today. After searching a couple more times i decided to go with a pair of army green skinny jeans that had holes and rips along the entire right leg and and a light rose colored long sleeved T-shirt that had in big gold letters 'Peace' written across it. I placed the clothes neat on my bed grabbed a towel from my closet and headed to the bathroom. In the bathroom i turned the radio on to my favorite station and turned the volume up a couple notches. Then i stripped off all of my clothing and threw them into the sparkly pink hamper next to my bathroom door. With one step at a time i walked into the shower and let the steaming hot water trickle down my face an neck to my back. 

About 30 mins later i had taken a shower dried my hair and put my clothes on. I quickly grabbed my bag and checked that everything i need for today had all been there. After going through all my items at least 2 to 3 times i called it good and headed downstairs where my mom had made me a nice hot cup of camomile tea with extra sugar and a mint leaf at the top, like every morning, then i headed out the door to wait for my bus. I always left earlier in the morning because my driveway is super long and because i love to sit on the nice fold out chair i set for me and sit and listen to the birds chirping in the morning and wonder myself what it would be like to be a bird. Have no rules. No embarrassing, boring highschool to attend and most of all the freedom.Birds can go anywhere they want anytime they want and they have the freedom to fly above the sky traveling around the world. 

On my walk down my long driveway i pulled out my Mp3 player and plugged in one of my ear phones into my ear and pressed play on my favorite song. I then tucked the Mp3 player in to pocket and kept walking. My house was deep back into the woods so on my walk to the bus stop the trees covered up any sign of sunlight in the morning making it dark as i walked, but not to dark that i couldn't see where i was going. All of a sudden the wind started blowing around making it harder to hear my music. I tried plugging in my other earphone into my ear but the sound still was pretty soft. I reached into my pocket to pull out my Mp3 player noticing something slipping out as i did. I looked down to see that the money i had put into my pocket for lunch slipped out of my pocket onto the ground. When i bent down to retrieve my fallen money. The wind whisked around me and carried my money away into the dark woods where i wouldn't see it again.
"Great.... Just great.... What a wonderful way to start my birthday" i whispered to myself. I finally made it to the end of my driveway and waited for the bus to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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