jren 》after party

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after arirang live two (along with horrendous english fails all around excluding aron), aron watched the reply and translated everything the boys had said back to them in korean.

dongho ran away when aron translated that he said he wanted a woman with a lot of money, laughing that unique way he had that contradicted his appearance much. minhyun followed the younger boy, knowing he didn't say much that interesting during the radio show and wished to tease dongho further.

then at some point, they had to say the best points about a team member, in which minki rained down praise and sweet words on nu'est's precious leader jonghyun. it was mainly just praise on jonghyun's visuals as minki's english vocabulary was limited.

jonghyun's facial expression didn't change at all, so aron continued to translate their show to the the other boys until he finished. "so that's all that we said on that show. i'm going to go check on dongho and minhyun to make sure minhyun hasn't stabbed dongho yet."

when aron walked away, minki turned to jonghyun and slapped him on the back, a smile on his finely detailed face. "hyungie, i meant every word i said!"

jonghyun turned to the younger boy, his cheeks oddly darker colored than the rest of his face and his pupils shaking. minki gasped and pressed the back of his hand to the elder's forehead. "hyung, you don't look to well. you want to go to bed early?"

"i-i'm fine, minki," jonghyun forced out while shaking his head in denial, pushing away the younger boy from him, "but why did you mention things like my lips? it's a little... odd."

"because, hyung," minki reached up to squish jonghyun's blushing cheeks, "how can anybody not notice your lips? i've also been in a group with you for a while, it's a little hard not to notice your godly facial features~"

jonghyun looked straight into minki's eyes, causing minki's wide smile to stall, their dark eyes locking in a silent war of unspoken words. gently and slowly, jonghyun reached up to wrap his arms around the youngest nu'est boy's neck, pulling minki forward with such tenderness it could melt whoever would witness the scene.

"i bet you were staring." jonghyun whispered, lazily leaning forward until his nose touched minki's. the younger boy was frozen, perhaps in surprise, so all he could do was to meet his leader's gaze. after waiting for a bit and getting absolutely no response, jonghyun tipped his head and leaned forward again, kissing the edge of minki's mouth.

"you owe me five hundred dollars!" dongho's loud voice broke their peace, minhyun sighing after. jonghyun as well as minki finally had their thoughts catching up with their actions, both pulling away awkwardly.

"that's why i look at your lips." minki laughed.


Requested by belencita94

Now since requests are completed, I can work on special chapters... aND TRUTH OR DARE

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