Chapter 22; Reflection/End

Start from the beginning

I pushed myself to stride out of the dining room. The scent of blood began to give me a headache, and I have to tear my eyes off of Jameson's head. Axel watched me stumble out of the dining room, then turned his eyes back to Jameson's head.

Guards rushed over to me once I ambled through the dining room doors.

"My lady, are you hurt?" One quickly questioned. I gazed to their faces, one had a scar an inch long and the other was covered in freckles.

"No, go back to your posts, I must clean myself up," I mumbled to them trying to act as if nothing in that room bothered me.

I sauntered down the large hallway and ascended a staircase. I had no idea where I was headed, there was no place for me anymore. I gazed down at my left hand to see that ring still wrapped around my ring finger. My instinct made me want to throw it, however I kept it on my finger. In my mind I see nowhere to return to, in the hospital they ended up realizing my last name and my relation to David Willing. Who was in another state, in another hospital, however they told me the retched news of his passing anyways. David gained bronchitis and lost too much oxygen to continue fighting. I've missed three of his birthdays and probably would have saw a growth in him if I ever had saw him. There is now no one left that I love, the werewolves ended up making sure of that.

I ambled into a bedroom, unaware of the woman crying on the bed. I strode over to the balcony and felt the breeze weave through my hair. The queen of werewolves, a title that's not worth the loses of my friends.

"Excuse me," a shakily voice spoke from behind me, "is that your blood?"

I turned towards a woman who's eyes shined in the sunlight, from the tears she has shred.

"Y-your majesty," she seemed shocked once she saw my face.

"The queen of werewolves is not worth the loses, the title is belittling to me. Just call me Phoenix," I told her disgusted of the name I've taken because of my marriage to Axel.

"I must call a medic for you-" she started however I quickly interrupted her.

"-a medic is not needed, this blood belongs to a hundred men murdered in one room."

Her facial features softened up as she realized what the king had done to me. Her red, ginger hair was woven into a braid on her back. Her green eyes darted along my blood soaked shorts and t-shirt. She gazed at me with pity for the men who died, and for me because I had saw such a site.

"I'm Indy Conley, the Luna of a nearby pack. The name doesn't matter anymore, my pack was destroyed by the king. He claimed the pack was a waste of land," her voice began to quake as more tears rushed down her cheeks, "he murdered my husband because of his fear he'd lost his love!"

My eyes hardened, he killed more than just the rogue pack because of his desperation.

"Once he murdered a damn alpha-less pack, he couldn't just stop there, he had to kill my love!" She bellowed, crying uncontrollably.

I examined the woman who seemed weaken by death I've already suffered. I watched her body tremble with tears. And I knew what I couldn't do anymore, it only portrays me as weak in Axel's eyes.

"I'm sorry for your loss, and I lost my pack to this man too," I told her making common ground between us.

"I acknowledge, everyone knows how he gained this human Queen, not to offend you in anyway my majesty," she spoke with a raspy voice.

I nodded and gazed out to the sky: no more attachments, no more tears, and no more fears for I found my place in the world. Even if that place is next to the man who has murdered countless of my friends, he is the one who empowers me. He gave me the other key to this kingdom of werewolves, and I don't intend to waste it away over a few more deaths that I have to mourn over. Indelibly they will never be forgotten, but their memories will live on in my head.

I will pledge myself to ruling over this country and gaining a heir who will be taught how to love and be loved. He or she won't rule with fear, but with loyalty and strength. For Xidan and the others who have died along side me, I will use their hearts to guide my strength to rule along side a man like Axel.

I glanced back at Indy as she laid in a pool of her own tears, "thank you Indy, you have given me a reflection of what I've been doing. I mustn't continue my tears over losses, but rather grow strong from them."

She gazed up at me in confusion as I strode past her and exited the bedroom to see Axel. With his bloody clothes still clinging to him, he stood a few doors down from me. A smile curved up his lips and his amber eyes remained on my eyes. His dark hair askew and caked in blood.

"I am the queen of the werewolves, and I will rule along side you, Axel the man who murderers and doesn't mourn."

His and His Only Queen **BOOK TWO**Where stories live. Discover now