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shouout to my amazing editor and bff wolfiemorph and my son EragonAryaDrotting

i wanted to do a fluff chapter but i only did half so don't worry

next chapter will be Iwa and Leiko


The best part of the day was when Takeshi came home from school. And luckily, Oikawa was there to celebrate every moment of his son's life. Working in an office was not his first choice when he left college, but as a newlywed and an upcoming father, he needed the money. Not that it payed well anyway. And at 35 he didn't know what to do. Afternoons were his favorite. He got home two hours before Takeshi and always made sure he cleaned and cooked dinner.

Takeshi always walked in on the same scene. His dad sitting in a wooden chair on their little circle wooden table sipping a cup of coffee.

"Hey Take, what's up? How was school?"

"Um...the same as usual." He prayed his dad didn't see how nervous he was.

"Takeshi." His father said in a serious tone. "Tell me, what's wrong? Leiko's not moving in for another week? Have you told anyone?"

"Um...haha...about that." His face turned a deep pink. "Takahiro and Kuroda asked to come over today but I told them I can't because I had 'plans', and when they asked because I NEVER have plans—" he stopped ranting to catch his breathe. "I had to tell them, dad, I just had to!"

"Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap, Takeshi, what did they say!?!?!" Tooru sprang up and paced around the kitchen. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone till they got here!"

Takeshi looked at him. "Dad?"

"Look, Takeshi. People just don't like the facts. They view this situation differently from other people. They discriminate on us."


"It's nothing.. Forget about it, please. What did they say?"

"Can I get Leiko's number. They think she's hot." He said, stonefaced. The pair held a stone-cold stare until they both broke out into laughter.

"Your friends are idiots, Take." Oikawa laughed. "Good. I'm glad." He gave him a soft smile. The two were both lost in thought.

A phone ringing broke the short silence. The two rushed toward the house phone.

"Hello?" It was Tooru that answered. "HEY, BABE! WHAT'S UP!" he seemed to yell. Takeshi fell to his knees in laughter. "HI UNCLE IWA!"

"Hey, hey, what's wrong? SHUT UP TAKESHI! What? NO NONO that's fine. Yeah, we're prepared. Go ahead, we're expecting you. Okay, love you too. Send my love to my favorite niece."

He hung up.


"Hey, Take.. You know I just told you to chill because Leiko isn't coming for another week?"

"Yeaaaaah?" He asked cautiously.

"Surprise! Their lease ended early and they're coming..."

"Dad." He said sternly.




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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