Idea #4: Saved By The Cannon

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Idea #4: Saved By The Cannon

Main Characters: *Cato, Clove, **Peeta, **Katniss, */Glimmer, */Marvel, and *Ariel

* Means the MAIN love interests in the story

** Secondary love interests 

*/ Third pair of lovers. Or both are involved with the main characters at one point, then they die


                        ***Possible Prologue/Preface for a new story/short story.***

"He can't save you now, Air," Marvel sneered down at me. 

"Poor Cato didn't even see it coming," Glimmer gushed, clinging to her boyfriend's arm. 

That little b!tch! She had set Cato up from the beginning. Date him, change him, make him fall in love, then break him so they could kill him. But if they killed him, how come we haven't heard the cannon yet?

I looked behind them and saw a lifeless Cato laying in his own blood on the ground. Tears welled up in my eyes and I fought to blink them back. Cato can't be dead! He can't be! But he was, it was right here, in front of me.

"Speaking of that," Marvel muttered.

Without saying another word, he pulled a sword out of the back of his belt, and before she could react, he plunged it into Glimmer's heart. She gasped and choked, stumbling backwards til she tripped over a root and fell to the ground. Cold stone dead. 

Marvel then turned on me. The bloody knife raised high in the air. Just as the cannon fired a sword was plunged through his stomach. He choked, blood pouring out of his mouth, his knife dropping, forgotten in the dirt. 

I watched, amazed, as the sword was drawn out of the now dead Marvel and he fell face first to the ground. I looked back up, my jaw hung open as I saw Cato, panting, holding his side with one hand and his sword in the other. 

"Next time..." He panted. "Use the... stupid... spear..."

"C-Cato?" I stuttered, crawling backwards towards the tree.

"The one... and only!" He said, half with cheer and half with choked back pain.

"B-but I-I... you-you... WHAT?" I shouted, jumping to my feet.

"Ha... Don't.. judge a... book... by its.. cover..." He laughed. 

"How?" I asked, walking to him.

He shrugged, flinching in pain. I put a comforting hand on his shoulder and slowly pulled him into me. His sword clanged as it hit the ground and Cato wrapped both his arms around me. It was then I realized how weak he was. But something was picking at me in the back of my mind...

"What was your plan, exactly?" I wondered aloud.

"To be saved by the cannon," He said simply, pulling back and smirking at me.

Saved by the cannon. Interesting...

The Boy from District 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora