Hidden Plans

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-Rin's Pov-

Everything felt awkward after I told Mephisto that I might be quitting the whole exorcist thing.

He continued to stare at me with some bit of distant shock before making that same grin again.

Seriously?! What's with you?! Wipe that damn grin off your face, you fucking clown!

Mephisto: Are you sure about that...?

Me: Yes...I'm sure.

Mephisto nods and made a hummin sound as if he's putting what I said into thought.

He looked like he wanted to say something else but I cut him off.

Me: I just...Can't take it anymore...I'm sick and tired of everyone treating me like shit. Calling me a demon. Threatening to kill me and hurting me with their words. Heck, I also don't want to be around Yukio anymore.


Me: I'm just...tired...

I was expecting Mephisto to say something like I can't quit because I choose this life and there was no turning back. But again, he shocks me with his answer.

Mephisto: Alright then.

Me: Eh...?

Mephisto's quiet demeanor went back into character.

Mephisto: You got it young Okumura~! For now on, you'll be attending regular school until further notice~!

Me: Ehhhhhh?! Seriously?!

Mephisto smirks down at me while I just wanted to kill him! This guy is seriously messing with me?! What part of 'I don't want to be around the people who hurt me' didn't he understand?!

Mephisto: You heard me! You can take a break from the whole exorcist thing and attend regular school~!

Me: Oh that didn't sound so bad...

Mephisto: But I'm afraid I'm going to have to tell Okumura-Sensei.



He was shock by my outburst as I continued.

Me: He is one of the reasons why I quit! He doesn't want me! He never saw me as a brother! He friggin tried to kill me so many times! I...I...

I almost was about to cry again...Why doesn't anyone else besides Sei care about how I feel....?

Mephisto:....Alright. I won't tell him.

Me: Thank you...

Mephisto: But I will tell Miss Kirigakure.

Shura...? Why would he tell her...?

Mephisto: Ya know young Okumura~! She has been asking about your whereabouts. She does seem concern about you.


Mephisto: I'll leave you to your devices. Right now, I hope you can start a new life and start over with the basics of life.

For a second there...It almost sound like he was concerned....

No..That can't be right...I'm just his pawn...

Mephisto: Alright then! I'll see you soon~! Eins~! Zwei~! Drei~!

He disappears before I could say anything else....

I begin to wonder what was he planning to do with me now. I don't exactly trust him...

I brushed it off for now...

I wonder when Sei and Gosu are going to come back.

-Third's Pov-

Mephisto: -Sighs- Humans really are such filthy creatures. They don't even realize their own mistakes until they see it for themselves. I wonder when they'll finally see the truth of how much they broke their promises to poor Okumura-kun~!

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