Drake's P.O.V*

My mom pulled up in front of my apartment. I thought I'd never get home. She drives at walking speed. And the car ride here was so awkward because of the silence. I haven't seen my mom since I got out of jail. We don't have a very good relationship so it surprised me when she bailed me out.

"Can I come inside?" She asked me.

"Uh, the place is a mess. I'm sure you don't want to."
"Of course I want to come in. It's been 15 months since I've seen you. Please?"
"Sure. Come on up."
I got Brandon from the back and headed up to my apartment with my mom. I don't understand why she wants to come in. I thought she hated me for putting her through so much in the past year.

"It looks just like your room when you were living with me." She said, looking around my apartment. "Gosh that seems so long ago."
"It was."

The awkward silence came back. I decided to feed Brandon since it was about that time.

"What happened, Drake?" She suddenly asked me. "Where did I go wrong?"
I sat Brandon down on the couch and gave him a toy to entertain himself. I turned to my mom and stared at her for a moment.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just got mixed up with the wrong people. Things happen. I guess I trusted my enemies and pushed my friends away. Even the one friend I have now isn't a true friend."

"Darren. He's the one that introduced you to this life. He was a senior in high school and you were a freshman when the two of you met, right?"

"Yeah. And I trusted him. He dropped out of school after being a senior for the 3rd time and not long after, I followed. I guess I followed in the wrong footsteps. But he showed me how to make a living on the streets."
"By selling drugs."

"Yeah. I was doing good for a while, until I got caught and went to jail. But spending a year in jail gave me time to think about the things I was doing. I'm changed now. I'm off drugs and I'm not selling them anymore. I'm focusing on making money the right way and taking care of my son."
"I'm glad. But Darren is still here and he's bad news."
"But I owe him. Because of him I was out on those streets and I got caught. Because of him I was put into jail and I had time to think. He's the one that changed me."

"As long as you keep thinking that, you'll only get into more trouble."
"That's what you think. But I'm keeping Darren as my friend."

Hayden's P.O.V*

I cuddled with Ashton on the couch and watched TV. It's nice to hang out with him. It helps me forget about Drake and the trouble he could possibly be in.

"Stop being so tense." Ashton said. "Drake is fine isn't he?"

"Yeah. I just can't stop thinking about what he said. He said that if he told anyone about where he was getting the drugs from, he's dead. Like literally. It's scary. I'm a little bit relieved he didn't give Darren up."

"Don't they have that protection thing? Couldn't he get that?"
"Maybe, but that doesn't last forever."

"Do you know something that will last forever?"


"You and me." He leaned in and met his lips with mine. He pushed me back on the couch, never breaking the kiss. He then pulled away and hovered over me. He smiled down at me.

"Do you really think we'll be together forever? Possibly get married in the future?"
"Of course. I want to be with you forever. I love you."

"I love you too."

He met his lips with mine again. I tangled my hands in his hair and he ran his hands along my body. He slipped my shirt off and trailed kisses down my stomach sending chills down my spine. I'm so glad Drake took Brandon tonight. It's been a while since I've been this close to Ashton.

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