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I was woken up by a load of people in my room and a huge pink birthday cake.
The first thing I said was " Jake I don't trust you that cake could explode"
Everyone laughed.
"Come on its not that obvious is it" he laughed.
I backed up against the wall laughing.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding" he said walking towards me "Now blow out your candles. They all sang happy birthday, then I blew out my candles. Thankfully nothing exploded.

"Presents!" Logan screamed bounding into the room and thrustiting a dozen packages wrapped in pink and purple paper at me.

"when did you get here?!" I said. " I thought you said you were out with some old mates."

" ha that was all a joke did you really think I'd miss seeing you on your birthday." he said. " now lets open some presents,open mine first" he said waving a package in my face. it was a small package, and when i opened it it was a small box.

I put it on my bed and crossed my arms." thanks for the empty box bro."

"nah its not empty open it."

I opened the box and found a teeny tiny bone.

" what am i supposed to do with a dog treat" i said.

"eat it." he said. so I put the dog treat in my mouth. Logan looked at me surprised. " i didnt mean it" he said opening my mouth and trying to get it out.

I batted him away. "you told me to always do what you said" i said looking at him innocently.

Everybody laughed.

"well the weird thing is it kinda tasted good."

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" everybody yelled "thats disgusting"

"what did you expect" Chad said stepping forward from the mob of Team 10 members " She is a Paul!"
Everyone laughed.

" Anyway it's time for your main present it's from me Jake and our parents." Logan said
"So the dog treat was a joke" I said
"Nope I just thought u wanted a treat." Logan replied laughing.
He rummaged around until he came to a small package with a cute bow on it.
I looked at him confused.
" hey" Jake said " the best things come in small packages"
I took it from Logan and pulled the bow off. I unwrapped the paper and found a pink glittery dog lead.
I held it up.
"First a dog treat and now a dog lead! I don't even have a dog!" I said throwing my hands up in despair .
Everybody smiled.
"Well anyway" Logan said " if you don't like that the other part to it is downstairs"
Reluctantly i took the lead and walked down the stairs. With everyone following me.
"Now this is from all of us" Chance said.
"This doesn't make anything clearer" I said "I'm still confused. Anyway where's Alex I swear he was here at the start of the morning. As I walked down the stairs I saw I'm holding a crate with a blanket over it.
"Hey birthday girl" he smiled " Come get ur present"
I walked over to him and he held the crate towards me I took the blanket off the crate and staring back at me was the cutest puppy ever.
I dropped the blanket back over it. Tears were forming in the corner of my eyes. I hoped she was mine but I had second thoughts and thought it was a prank.
"Is it a prank?" I asked.
"Nope we swear. Trust us Everest even we wouldn't do that" team 10 reassured me.
"Seriously" I said a tear rolling down my face. "You guys are the best"
I opened the crate and took out the dog. It was the cutest golden retriever puppy I had ever seen.
"Awwwwwww it's soooooo cute" I screamed.
Everyone covered there ears.
"Wow" Jake said "Why are girls so annoyingly load. Tessa , Erika and I all thumped him.
"Now u gotta name him" Chad said, walking over to me and and taking the puppy out if the crate and then putting it in my arms.
"It's a girl, just so u know " Logan said stepping forward and stroking her " I hope she's friends with Kong"

" Dixie" I said " thats what I'm gonna call all her"
"Cute name" Logan said " you always used to go on about how u wanted a dog and if u ever got one it would be called Dixie. "
"Now you've got your Dixie" Jake said coming over to cuddle it.
"Happy birthday" Chad blurted out again. " you've got more presents to open. In the end I got:
A cute dog water bowl and food bowl with Queen written on it in pink from Tessa.
Some earrings and a big bag of dog food from Erika.
Dog shampoo and a bag of forever 21 clothes from Tristan 'he said he chose them all but I know he's lying'
More clothes and some make up from Alex.
A ton of dog treats from Chad.
And some some money from Nick.
The rest of the people there had put even more money then the others towards the dog so I got hugs from them.

My parents later faced timed me so they could see the dog and find out its name. I told them that she was called Dixie and she was my best present Yet. My mum thought the name was cute but my dad said I should have called it Rocco so it would have sounded strong and manly. I rolled me eyes. That's what my dad's like when I was five he signed me up for wrestling or whatever it was called. I guess he hoped for me to turn out like my older brothers. The first time I went I cried because I was kicked in the mouth and my lips Blead. I'm pretty sure he wanted me to be a boy.

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