Contestant Interview - KarlOConnor

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What promted you to enter this Smackdown?

 I have been entering various contests recently more out of wanting taking part and have some fun more than anything else. I came across this smackdown by chance. It definitely looked interesting so I thought why not join in.

Have you participated in any other Smackdowns before? If so, how many rounds did you make it through?

Out of the contests so far one has had just the one round, another has had four. I'm involved in a Grand Prix contest at the moment which is currently on round four out of twelve.

What do you think makes a good Smackdown competition?

What makes it good? - If I enjoy taking part then that is all that matters. I've been interacting with others on these competitions and that is always a good thing.

What would you like to see in the upcoming rounds?

From upcoming rounds once I feel inspired and enjoy it then that will do for me :)

What does Mystery/Thriller mean to you?

Mystery/Thriller I really like the 'what if?' questions or the 'what is going on?' questions and this genre asks those questions.

How did you start out writing?

I guess it was school many years that got me into writing, a lot of what I would write for class would be read out in class. I looked forward to having to write a story and my teachers were supportive.

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