Scouting the area

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"Alright, we're moving out in 5 be ready, make sure you have ammo, food, water, and some hope that we don't get captured ourselves"Srgt Rhode
Sarge only had little ammo barely any food, and little hope if this mission didn't go right all his men would die including his brother who was captured, but he didn't know that.
"Alright everyone at the entrance to the outpost we're leaving now"
"Hey listen sarge you be careful, not only are you trying to get your men back you have my men in your hands, now there's a Japanese outpost near by I think that's where your mean are being captured, but watch out I here there planning an attack on this outpost, they'll be coming in big numbers, you see Pvt Jones over there he has a radio, radio in if you see anything that we don't know about, alright that's all I needed to say good luck"Cpt Wright
"Alright we're leaving let's go"Sgt Rhode
5 hours later...
Sarge and his men found the outpost now all they had to do was scout the area look for week spots and try to take out patrols.
"Hey sarge we found the outpost so why don't we just go in and shoot all these japs down"Pvt Johnson "No, we wait and watch learn different ways Into the outpost and learn where they're keeping my men"Sgt Rhode
" we only have 65 hours until the plane home takes off and I'm ready to see my wife"Pvt Sam
"Hey you see that" Sgt Rhode "what where"Pvt Johnson
"There's a convoy moving out on the direction we came it looks as if it's heading to base, hey call captain and let him know Private"Sgt Rhode
"Ok, "echo Charlie delta" this is "bravo" does anyone copy (static over radio" I can't get a signal, it's like our communication is jammed"Pvt jones
"Ok, look over there they have a radio inside of that room, if we can make it in there we can call Captain and let him know that they have a convoy on there way, until then I need pvt Hines and Pvt Johnson to get on that little hill over there take this flare gun with you and after we get done talking to Captain we'll move back over here and, once we fire our flare gun you fire yours and we'll move in"Sgt Rhode

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