As soon as she did, she jumped off the platform, rope in hand, and landed on the side of the wall.

Climbing up the wall holding a rope and using the wall as a floor was harder than Frisk assumed. With a lot of hard work, she finally got to the top, her hands sweating like crazy.

She turned the doorknob and opened the door. Now all she needed to do was get in it.

Grabbing the other end of the rope, Frisk made another lasso and hooked it on the other doorknob. She then swapped sides so she was on the side that faced the door.

When Frisk finally made it out, she was in the same room she started in. Letting out a breath if relief, she looked around for her fish friend. Undyne appeared by her side a moment later.

They went through the third door and suddenly found themselves in a body of water. There was a door on the other side of the room, which was about a mile away. The room slowly started filling up with more water by the second.

Frisk and Undyne started swimming at the sane time. Frisk was fine at swimming; obviously she wasn't an olympic swimmer, but she managed to keep up with Undyne, who was super fast.

They ended up having to dive under water to get to the door. Just as Frisk was about to pass out, they were sucked into another room that was dimly lit.

When Frisk realised where she was, a small whimper escaped her throat.

They were in Gaster and Chara's lab.

There were many worktables overflowing with papers and blueprints. Half-made inventions littered the floor.

There was a large, mauve animal skull in the middle of the room. What Frisk remembered was that it used to be the DT extractor. But now there was only one explanation to what that horrible machine was.

The corruption machine.

Four figures stood by the machine. Upon Frisk and Undyne's entrance, one of them cried out.


Frisk made out Chara, Gaster, and Mettaton. Gaster was vigorously scribbling something onto a clipboard while Chara and Mettaton held G down.

Mettaton. That stupid, charming, robot had fooled everyone with his act. Everyone except for G, but now it was too late. He lied, acting as if he was just an annoying robot with his show being his only concern. Frisk spotted a camera in the corner of the room. Of course, he was just using them as drama. Frisk felt anger bubble up inside her and started towards them.

Chara locked eyes with Frisk and gasped. "Gaster!" She warned, trying to get his attention. He was having none of it until she said "It's her! The red soul!"

Gaster's head snapped up. His smile stretched from ear to ear (literally, it was that creepy). "Ah, Frisk. Seems like you finally made your way back to us again."

Frisk froze in her tracks. How did he know she reset? As Gaster and Chara both cackled at her confusion, Frisk focused on G. She was determined to save him. Gaster's cold voice cut through everything.

"Mettaton, bring the skeleton to me. Chara, deal with the red soul." He ordered, a cruel smirk plastered on his face.

Chara and Frisk charged towards each other. Frisk heard Undyne call to her, but she ignored it. Chara had a scalpel in her hands, and Frisk grabbed a nearby crowbar.

When they reached each other, both of their cries melded into one of anguish.

The blade of the scalpel clanged together with the crowbar. Frisk glared at Chara while the scientist laughed, full of herself. Frisk used that as an opportunity to deliver a punch to Chara's jaw. G would be proud.

As their battle continued, no one noticed how Mettaton held G in the corruption machine. Gaster was furiously trying to change the settings.

By the time Frisk knocked out Chara, it was too late. The machine whirred to life.

"G!" Frisk screamed. A blinding light came from inside the machine as tears streamed down Frisk's cheeks.

When the sounds and light subsided, G looked exactly the same. Frisk let out a sigh of relief.

That was before anger flooded into his eyes and G looked at Frisk in hunger. She whimpered when she realized that the hunger was for her blood.

G was going to kill her.

Words: 1385

Okay so maybe the fluff was an apology for what's going to happen in the next chapter. (^v^) I'M SORRY BUT THIS PLOT WAS A SUDDEN BURST OF INSPIRATION!!! I FINALLY HAVE A PLOT!! (somewhat)

Anyways, thank you for reading and voting! I love you all! *mwah mwah*

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