Chapter Three

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Dean smiled dryly as he headed up to his dorm. Well, here it was. No going back now. He nodded to Harry who had showed up halfway through the feast with blood down his front. But Dean was still mad at him for trying to intervene with Ginny and so he didn't say a word. Harry seemed to get the point and walked off with an awkward hello.

Ron was less welcoming as he simply ignored Dean. He sighed as he made his way to his bed, trying not to look in his mate's direction until there was a slight cough.

"Hey." Seamus said, his eyes wary. He looked reluctant to talk, and Dean wasn't pushing. He knew at some point there would be a discussion, but not today, as all he wanted to do was sleep and forget all this drama. That was not to be, however as Seamus again opened his mouth and spoke.

"Dean, are you sure?" It was a simple question, but it made Dean start. He turned around and glanced at the bulletin board he had hung all his drawings on last year. Most of them included fire or Seamus. That's the question I ask myself. And the answer is always the same. Inconclusive.

"What do you mean, Seamus?" His voice was tight. Dean really didn't want to talk, despite his earlier enthusiasm. "I'm perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be?" It wasn't a question meant to be answered.

"Never mind." Seamus growled, obviously catching Dean's cold attitude. "I'll just go to bed I guess." His voice was filled with undertones of hurt and anger, and Dean instantly regretted his words.

He lay down in bed and turned off the lights. No use apologizing now, Seamus was upset already.

Sleep came at first slowly, then at once. He enjoyed a few hours of peaceful sleep before the Dream started again.

"Seamus?" He looked to his mate, seeing him glaring down at him.

"How could you do that?" Seamus hissed. "You hid from me, doting after girls because you were too embarrassed to express your love to me. Did you ever think of how I felt?"

Dean felt his blood go cold. "N-no, Seamus, you don't love me, this isn't real! I'm not embarrassed of you, I could never be!"

Seamus narrowed his beautiful blue eyes and snarled with venom in his voice. "Really? Look in your heart mate," he drew to word out painfully. "You know the truth."

Dean moaned in sadness and woke in a cold sweat. Gasping, he looked around to make sure he hadn't woken anyone. Good, everyone was fast asleep. He got out of bed and went to the toilet to wash his face.

When he looked up in the mirror, he sighed. He was pale as a sheet and had dark circles around his eyes. Every night Seamus would berate him in his dreams, which stressed him out to no end, especially when their friendship was already strained. Dean started to cry silently as he thought about his dream yet again.

I hate being gay! I'll never find someone who likes me, not someone like Seamus, and he'll never love me.

If only he'd known the true reason for Seamus' jealousy.

Draw Me? {Deamus} #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now