Chapter 21

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As it turned out, Lupin would take him immediately. He'd only come to see Harry in the first place, because Tonks had given birth to their son, whom they apparently named Ted, after her father. Harry was the Godfather.

He was not on Order business, but after hearing what Dean'd gone through, he had volunteered to bring him to a secret passage to Hogwarts himself. The owner of the Hog's Head, some man who apparently Dumbledore's brother Aberforth, has a picture that lead to the room of requirement, something that had apparently appeared only last month. He packed like a man possessed, throwing everything in a hurry.

"Dean, are you ready? We have a short window to get there, we don't want to miss it." Remus watches amusedly as Dean finishes up with his meager belongings. "Come now, we can dissaparate right to the Hog's Head, If we tarry the Death Eaters will catch on."

"I'm ready." Dean hoisted a small bag onto his shoulder, with a few pairs of Bill's clothes, which fit well enough considering, and his borrowed wand, from Olivander himself. Apparently the man had good connections. It wasn't a perfect fit, but the wand didn't immediately explode or anything so he assumed it was alright.

He held Remus' hand, and after second of dissaparation, they arrived. Dean saw an old man with a long grey beard, a man he'd seen often, who was apparently Dumbledore's brother. Now that he knew, the family resemblance was uncanny. He wore dirty robes and had an unkempt look about him, but then again, that was normal for the Hog's Head. They'd appeared in the back, so no customers were visible.

"It's nice to see you Remus." Aberforth rasped, he didn't have Dumbledore's silky voice, that was for sure. "Is this the Thomas boy?"

"Yes, it is. Aberforth, no need to do the testing, I'm carrying a picture of Teddy, my son. This is a picture of him an hour after birth, and he's my newborn son." Remus beamed again and held up the picture, which was in the breast pocket of his coat, closest to his heart.

"Good. Now, to business. I haven't told anyone you're coming Dean, because it's too risky that someone would tell. However, I'll need you to bring a weeks worth of food with you. It's alright, you can levitate it."

"That's fine-but why would they need food in the first place?" Dean shuddered. "Are they trapped in the room? Is Seamus ok? What about all the others? How bad is Hogwarts that they can't even go out the door?"

"Boy, ask another question and you'll never get an answer to any of them." Aberforth grumbled. "Just get into the picture of Ariana. That's the girl up there, that is." He pointed to a picture of a very beautiful young woman with blonde hair and a sad smile, them handed Dean a box of food. "Open for us please, Ari."

To Dean's surprise, she simply stepped back. Then she beckoned for him to follow. He reached up and touched it, and suddenly he could see her silhouette. She beckoned again.

"I'm coming, I'm..." he stared...and stared...his mouth dropped open.

Because there, in front of him, was Seamus Finnigan. And he looked terrible.

S-Seamus? What have they done to you?

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