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Memories faded in and out, it was never very clear to Raeleigh. Her memory of her childhood had always been patchy. A voice here and there. But there had always been a few prominent ones that were as clear as day. It was an out of body memory- she could see herself. A little child, her hair matted and unkempt, her night gown covered in stains. Standing in front of the stairs as her even more ragged mother staggered before throwing herself down the stairs. Raeleigh never understood what was wrong with mommy until she was older. Postpartum depression they called it. She had to look the term up. And she crumbled. The memory crashed into her mind; it was her fault. It was her fault that mommy wanted to snap her neck. That she was so sad she drowned her brain in a narcotic concoction. As the young girl watched her mother tumble down the stairs, a hissing creature stroked the door to Raeleigh's mind, body, and soul. Grinning ear to ear, as it's nails slowly rakes across the surface, it's finger pausing over the lock until it continued, skating across the handle. It backs away in to the shadows, waiting. Observing.

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