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That night as the sun set and the stars began to shine, I sat up from my bed after my daily nap.

"Boardwalk!" I bounced off the bed and ran to my closet. "Mike, Sam, get up we've got a boardwalk to go to." I slipped on my favorite denim vest, a sky blue tank top, a short dark purple skirt, and a pair of halfway to the knee low-heeled, brownish red, laced boots.

I bounced down the hall and slammed my hand twice against both their doors. "Come on, lets go!" Mike came out groaning, Sam came out bouncing.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." He said.

Since Mike had bought a motorcycle earlier today, we rode into the fair in style. When we dismounted, Mike tapped my shoulder.

"Are you sure you wanna be here Ray?" I nodded. "Sure, why wouldn't I?" "The summer incident." My smile vanished.

"The summer incident? Are you talking about that old flame Ray hooked up with?" Sam asked. Mike elbowed his sharply, but it was too late.

"I'll be fine. This time I'll make sure I don't lose myself too quickly. Besides, it's summer time; a time to forget and let loose." Mike smiled slightly. "Okay Ray, if you say so. We'll meet back up here at say, 10?" My smile returned.

"Better make it 10:30, I wanna enjoy this as long as possible." And smiling together, we ventured off into the bright, noisy unknown.

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