Santa Clara, CA

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"Hey Moonlight, wake up, we're almost there." With a groan, I rolled over and swatted at my brother's hand.

"Come on Moonlight, you're gonna miss the beach." I sighed before finally sitting up, raking my wavy ginger hair out of my eyes. As my vison cleared, I noticed the crowded beach and sighed. Then I spotted the boardwalk and I smiled.

"Sam, don't wake your sister when she's sleeping." "(yawn) It's alright mom, I was about the get up anyways." "Yeah right, a bomb could go off and you'd still be snoring." I playfully slapped Michael's arm but he just laughed.

My name is Moonlight, my parents were hippies but I don't remember them much. I was adopted about a month ago by a single mother with two sons named Michael and Sam, Michael's the older one and Sam's younger then me by a few years. Just as I was getting used to my new life in Phoenix, mom officially divorced her husband and we were moving out to stay with her father in Santa Clara, California. So far, only she was happy about the move, Michael, Sam and I hated it but had grown closer on the drive.

"Hey Mike, Sam, did ya notice the boardwalk?" The two boys glanced outside before looking back to me. "Come on Ray, we've only been here for a minute and you're already thinking about stirring up trouble." I smiled playfully. "I'm a teen, you should be worried if I'm a goody two shoes." My brothers smiled.

Ray is my nickname by the way, an idea Sam came up with when I first came into the family to make me feel less of an outcast in my new home. It worked, and now I don't feel so bad about my birth family history I'll probably never really know.

"Are you guys planning trouble back there?" I silently mocked mom, making the both of them giggle. I smiled before replying.

"Not at all mom." And the three of us laughed, knowing perfectly well that was pure bullshit.

The Vampire's MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now