Meeting my Grandpa

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Eventually, we pulled up in front of the most clustered looking arts and crafts house I had ever seen. My jaw dropped as I stared at the place. "I've seen porta-potty's with more class." The boys laughed, mom rolled her eyes.

"I better not hear any more smart remarks out of you young lady." I made a gagging face and my bros snickered softly. We parked and opened our doors, as soon as my feet hit the dirt, I ran to the end of the lot to see if I could spot the boardwalk. Mike came up behind me and lay a hand on my shoulder, I looked at him with a sparkle in my eye.

"You really are excited to go down there aren't you?" I eagerly nodded. "Next to swimming in the ocean, it's always been my dream to go to a boardwalk fair." I looked back out. "I can't wait 'til dark. It'll be so much fun." Mike chuckled with an amused smile. "I doubt I'll ever understand your love for the night." I shrugged. "I'm a teenager, having fun means going out at night, it's elementary dear Michael." He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Oh Ray." I laughed before running into the house. As I entered the living room, I noticed some one new and froze, smile slipping from my face.

"Oh dad, this is my new daughter I told you about. Moonlight, meet your grandfather." The guy had that look of never ending energy on him, like no matter how old he got he'd still act young. I smiled shyly and bobbed my head.

"It's nice to meet you Grandpa, as mom said my name's Moonlight, but everyone calls me Ray." He raised an eyebrow.

"Moonlight huh? Who're your parents?" The question my blood go cold. I bit my lower lip.

"I prefer not to talk about it."


Some time later, after sleeping arrangements were made, I set my stuff up in the room next to Michael's. When I finished, Nanook our dog come trotting in. I scratched his ears with a sad smile.

"You think I'll ever fit into this family Nanook?" But he just licked his nose, showing no real sign of interest.

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