More Bad Than Good

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Peter and Derek are still being electrocuted by their captors. A man complains to them that his equipment is getting old and inaccurate, so he's not quite sure how far to turn the dial on the electric current. Peter comments that he thinks it's a little high. The man turns the dial higher, and Peter grunts in pain. The man says he's seen some werewolves crack their teeth, while others continue to shake even after they're dead. He shuts off the power to give them a break.

He asks them where la loba is. Derek tells him that they don't know, but the man isn't buying it. He threatens to cut one of them in half, strongly suggesting that he's a hunter. Peter backs Derek up, telling the hunter that they don't know anything. He suggests that bisecting people with a broadsword is a little medieval. "Broadsword? We're not savages," the hunter replies, and his friend fires up a chainsaw. Derek turns to look at Peter with an expression that clearly says Peter should keep his big mouth shut.

One of the hunters threatens to cut off Derek's arm with the chainsaw, while the other says they're pretty sure werewolf can't recover from having their head cut off.

A woman named Araya Calavera orders them to stop. "No tiene que ser tan duro." You don't have to be so hard. The man with the chainsaw stops, and Araya steps closer to Derek. Derek says, "No hablo espanol," wearily, but she replies, "Tu hablas muchos idiomas, Derek Hale." You speak many languages, Derek Hale. She claims that not only does he know what she's saying, he knows who they want. She approaches him with a small curved knife and asks where the She-Wolf is. Derek tells her they don't know any She-Wolf. Araya smiles and nods at him. "I know you won't talk, lobito." Little wolf.

She goes after Peter instead, claiming that he'll talk because he loves the sound of his own voice. "You should hear me sing," Peter says. He complains at Derek that no one ever wants to hear him sing, and Derek couldn't care less. Araya Calavera puts the knife near Peter's eye, and he reacts in fear, his claws coming out. He doesn't answer her question, so she cuts off one of his fingers. Derek stares. Araya tells Peter she's only going to ask nine more times. She drops his finger, and it sticks into the floor on the point of the claw.

Scott and Stiles are still in the woods. They run around looking for each other and eventually collide. Stiles tells Scott that he found something and takes him to a den filled with Malia's things. Scott confirms that Malia is a werecoyote. They touch a few of her things, and then Scott says that they shouldn't be there because they're contaminating her den with their scent. She won't come back home.

Stiles asks where she will go and then asks Scott if he can track her by scent. Scott says he's better at tracking when he's wolfed out but he's afraid he won't be able to turn back if he does that. He says that if he can't get in contact with Derek they're going to have to find someone else to help. Scott then suggests that since they're standing in a crime scene, they should ask Stiles's dad to come help.

The Sheriff and his deputies arrive a little while later. He climbs out of the den with a piece of Malia's clothing and walks up to Scott and Stiles asking if they're sure it was her. Scott tells him that he looked her in the eyes and they glowed like a werewolf's. The Sheriff clarifies that they're not actually sure it was Malia, what they're sure of was that it's a shapeshifting coyote. Scott suggests that Malia shifting on a full moon could be what caused the accident. Stiles figures that she blames herself for the accident and goes running off into the woods and gets trapped in her shifted form. His father yells at him at how insane this all sounds and tells them that they need to keep it quiet. He especially doesn't want Henry Tate finding out.

Just then, Rafael McCall shows up with Henry Tate. Mr. Tate confirms that the clothing the Sheriff had in his hands was his daughter's. Scott tries to stop his dad from getting in the way, but his dad tries to put him in his place, wanting to know how Melissa is okay with Scott running around the woods like this.

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