Scott throws Isaac into the wall in the hallway. Melissa comes up and tells them not to test her totally unsupernatural level of patience. She motions for them to get to school, and Isaac asks Scott if he feels better.

Stiles throws his books into his bag, but stops when he realizes that he can't read the title of one of them. Dalesi Xis Anla it says. Stiles stares at the book and touches the cover with shaking fingers. His father comes in and asks him if he's all right. Stiles looks back at the book, and this time the cover says Allies and Axis. Stiles says that he's good a little too quickly, and his father gives him an incredulous look. Stiles insists that he's fine and it was just a nightmare.

Stiles then asks his father about the box of case files he's carrying, which is marked "Sheriff's Station: Do Not Remove." "Well, yeah, unless you're the Sheriff," his father replies with a grin.

Allison grabs her purse as she hurries out the door. She gets in the elevator, but when it opens, it lets her out into an abandoned hospital hallway. She steps out into the hall. Momentarily, a second Allison wielding ring daggers appears in the background, but vanishes. The door to the morgue opens on its own, and she goes inside. The door closes behind her, and one of the freezer doors swings open, beckoning her to come look. The tag on the door says Kate Argent. Allison hears her aunt's voice and remembers both their good times and when she saw Kate murdered. She looks in the freezer, and it's a tunnel that goes back impossibly far.

As she peers down the shaft, something starts moving. Kate is suddenly clawing her way toward Allison, screaming in rage. Allison slams the door shut and runs. When she bursts through the morgue doors, she's at school just as the bell rings, utterly bewildered as to how she got there. She stares around in shock, and Lydia comes up to her and asks her if she's okay. Allison nods unconvincingly.

Scott arrives at school on his dirt bike. He takes off his helmet and looks down at his reflection in the visor. His eyes in the reflection glow red, even though Scott's eyes are not. He shakes himself, and the vision goes away. As he walks into school, Scott turns and notices his shadow growing and morphing into the same monstrous shape that Peter took on when he was an alpha. Scott starts to run, but he can't escape his own shadow. He crashes into Stiles, who tells him he doesn't look all right. Scott claims to be okay, but Stiles knows that none of them are. When Scott asks how he knows, Stiles motions to Lydia as she and Allison walk up. "Because it's happening to all three of you," Lydia says.

In his office, Sheriff Stilinksi has started going through all his old cases. Now that he knows about the supernatural, he wants to see if he can solve any crimes that previously went unsolved. He has marked out all the nights with full moons on the wall and put up strings to try to make connections. He pins a photo of Malia Tate up on a night of the full moon.

The props department hasn't been paying attention to what year it is, because the Sheriff has calendars from 2013 up on his wall.

The Sheriff remembers the car crash where Malia's family died.

Lydia leads the other three into the school. "Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one," she says, clearly enjoying being on the other side of the terrifying visions for once. Allison complains that they're not crazy, but Lydia snarks and disagrees. "We did die and come back to life. That's gotta have some side effects, right?" Scott says. The bell rings, and they all head to class. Stiles tells Lydia to stop enjoying this so much.

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