Chapter 36 - Interview The Band

Depuis le début

"Don't worry, they didn't did anything bad to me, they just gave me a sketch of me" I show all of them and they all had their jaws on the floor. I giggle.

"That's fucking awesome!" I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, they were sweet guys"

"Anyways lets get back to the meet and greet!"


We got ready for the interview they were going to do. Andy was going to be here but behind the camera.

"Hey guys!" The women said.

"Hey" we all said.

"My name is Storm"

"Bad ass name" we all said again causing her to blush.

"Thanks anyways let get going"

"Okay" I said.

"So what's like being in a band?" She asked all of us.

"It's pretty awesome, you get to do what you always wanted to do, singing in front of hundreds of people's, singing your heart out" said Blake, obviously answering for all of us.

"Cool, does the songs have a meaning to it?"

"Uh, yeah, it tells you to never give up. To be the one you always want to be, if you have dreams, go after them. Also it tells you that even in your worse moments, someone is still with you, that someone would never give up on you, they'll support you for what you want, self harm is not the right thing to do, do something else, like draw, sing, dance, listen to music, talk to someone, see videos, just do something creative that doesn't involve self harming, I know people self harm, they've giving us, they're last blade they had, which I'm proud because I know they're trying their best to not do it" I said the interview nodded.

"Now, this is also going on a magazine so well have to take a picture of you guys after this. Can you tell us your personal stories? If you want, we won't make you or force you to tell" we all shook our heads.

"I've always been bully in high school, just because the way I dress, my dream was always to be in a band playing bass guitar, somedays I'll always bring my guitar with me in school, I'll play when it was lunch time. It wasn't until the jocks in my school came to me and started saying I will not make it, I will be crush down. But I never listen to them, I kept on going for my dream until I'm in a actual band called Shatter Glasses, if the jocks that were on my high school are watching this then, Fuck You motherfucker! I'm where I always want it to be! But I bet there not. So yeah" Austin said.

"Wow, that was pretty harsh" he nodded.

"We'll my turn, I've basically never had been bully only like once a week, there wasn't to much of bullies in my school, which I'm great full for." Blade said.

"I've never being bully, only been abuse by my parents, they told me that I'll never make it to be in a band like I always want it to be, they would crush my dreams down, until a day I decided to run away and I did, since then I never did k we anything about them and I don't" Zack said with depression in his voice. I gave him a hug.

"But you are now" I said to him. He smile and hugged me.

"We'll, me and Taylor actually went to the same school" the guys all look at us.


"Didn't he told you guys?" They all shrug and payed attention. I sigh.

"I use to be the cheerleader captain of my team, I had a boyfriend name Justin and my friends wearing mad hot pink clothes that actually makes your eyes burn" they all chuckle and Blake continue for me.

"I've always been bully by Taylor's friends, Taylor never did it to me though, she will make it stop it but her boyfriend would never listen to her, he would push her or sometimes hit her, and tell her to fuck off that this is none of her business, that happen all the day, moths, years, weeks. One day the jocks came to me and started saying shit about me, Taylor was walking by, she saw and pulled her boyfriend away from me, what shocked me was that she actually hit him, she started throwing punches at him, kicking him, slapping him. He also kicked him where the sum doesn't shine. Haha! That was funny! She started yelling stuff like 'I'm tired of you hurting my friends! They're human beings like us! They don't deserve this! You are just one heartless mother fucker who don't give a fuck about other people feelings' she slap him one more time and then came over me and took me to the nurse, she's always been there for me, without her being there I probably wouldn't be here" I gave him a tight hug.

"Wow, those are pretty hard time for you guys, we really appreciate you guys for sharing your personal life's with us"

"No problem"


Soon the interview ended, and I was now heading to my bunk with a sleeping Dylan in my arms. I got in and soon fell asleep.


Also a Pic of Andy at the side of what he looks like now. In this story.

Our Rebel Love Song (Andy Biersack Love Story) ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant