Chapter 5 - Graduation

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*Taylor's POV*

Finally graduation day! No more school, well until college, yes I'm going to college I want to be a model. I went to take a shower, brushed my teeth, I put on my dress, it goes above my knees a little, it's black and white, half is black and the rest is white, and a thing going around my torso, its black also. I curled my hair, put on my make up, grab my heels, and put on my cap and gown, and I was ready to go.

I went downstairs to see my parents dress already, my mom look up first and immediately pull me in a hug.

"My little girl, you grew up so fast" she said with tears in her eyes. "Mom don't cry, please, oh my, your going to make me cry." I said covering my face with my hands but carefully so I won't mess up my make up.

"Okay, okay let's get going, don't wanna be late" I nodded and my dad came over, put his arms on my shoulder and said "you look beautiful baby girl" I smile and said thank you.

*skipping car ride because lazy*

When we pull over, I saw my friends, I jump out of the car and went to hug my friends.

"You Look BEAUTIFUL Taylor!" Everybody said at the same time, which cause me to blush. "Thank you guys, you guys look amazing" "thank you!" I nodded and we started to go inside. We went to sit on our sits where we were told to. When I sat down, I saw the most perfect person I wanted to see, my boyfriend, Andy, with the rest of the band. I think he saw me because he made a heart with his hands and I return it.

My friend did her speech and the principal started calling last names in order, my Friend Hailey Lopez was called of course everybody cheer, because we'll basically everybody in the school know us, since we're 'popular' but to be honest I don't like it, I don't know why, I just don't.

"Taylor Miller" the principal called, Andy and the rest of the band immediately jump and started clapping, I smile and blush, I went to get my diploma. "Congratulations Ms. Miller" "Thank you" I said with a smile. I went to sit next to my friend Hailey.

"Did you saw does guys?" She ask obviously talking about Andy, Ashley, CC, Jake, and Jinxx.

"Yeah I did, they're pretty awesome guys" I said with a proud smile, of knowing them, she gives me a confused look, but shrugged it off, but then says something that really got me.

"But I'll admit, the tall one with long hair and blue eyes, is pretty damn hot! I mean anyone would date him, or at lease fuck him" I try to hide my anger with a smile.

"Uh yup" popping the 'p' eventually we finish saying names, and we were officially graduates, now it was turn for the family to come and congratulate us. Me and my friends were hugging each other, until I felt a pair of arms around my waist, I saw Hailey looking at us, her jaw drop, I smirk.

"Hey babe, congratulations" he said in his sexy voice, I turn and kissed him.

"Thank you baby" I smile and turned to see all my friends looking at us.
"What?" I asked a little annoyed..
"Your with him?" They all asked, I glared at them, then kiss him.
"Does that answer your answer?" They nod but then again go with the questions.
"Yeah, but why?"

"I think it's obvious, I'm with him because I love him to death, I love him but they way he is, please, I'm begging you to stop judging people, especially him and his band"

"Wait band?!?" I nodded

"Yeah, he has a band, please accept him for what he is, my parents happily accepted him for what he is, so please?" I gave them my puppy eyes, knowing they can't resist it. They all groan and said there 'Okay' 'Sure' 'Yeah' ' We'll do it' 'STOP WITH THE PUPPY EYES! But yes!' I squeal and gave them all a hug.

I went back with Andy and peck him on his lips.

"You look beautiful love"

"Thank you hun"

We went to a restaurant - Andy, the band, my parents and I - when we were done I got to spend the night with Andy, so I went to grab some clothes then leave.

Andy and I had fun, we joked around, we played, I also played with his cat Crow, he's so damn cute! Soon we decided to go get some sleep.

Andy put an arm around my waist and kissed me. I buried my head into his chest.

"Good night love, I love you" he said kissing the top of my head.

"Good night babe, I love you too" and with that we went to sleep.

No more school.

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