Nightmares about a ouija board

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I started having nightmares about a Ouija board. In the nightmare, I was with my best friend Heidi, and we sat in my room playing the Ouija board, and the indicator started moving, we asked the ghost what is it's name. Then I kept on having the same dream over and over again, so I decided to buy myself a ouija board, and that same day I invited Heidi over, we started playing it in my bedroom, and we asked what is happening your name, the I indicator moved telling us it's name was George, I started freaking out. I quickly told my friend to move the indicator with me to say goodbye... and shut the door. She was weird out and ask what was my problem and I told her about my dreams. We both were scared. So we decided to go to the church and get the priests blessings. I also got the priest to come and bless my house as well.
  After this day I never thought if going near a ouija board again. So I locked the board in the basement in a locked cupboard. And a year and so, me and Heidi were in my room talking and chatting on Facebook like normal teenagers do, when the ouija board appeared on the screen of my laptop out of no where. I started screaming and smashed the laptop and luckily our parents  believed us and took us to a counselor to talk about our experiences. And not long after we moved out of the house and got the ouija board destroyed professionally.


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