A Creepy Doll

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I have a terrifying story about an ouija board. I got a call from my cousin who said that he, his brother, his dad, and his best friend were using an ouija board in the basement. Prior to starting, they took a large porcelain doll out of the room because it was creepy and placed it in an adjacent room face down in a pile of towels. My cousin tool a short break because the board was just spouting nonsense.
His dad, brother and his friend stared asking the board questions without him, one of the questions was who was in the other room?it just started spouting random numbers and when my cousin came back from his break his brother said that it was not working that they were going to put up away and showed him the answer to the last question he ask and said, “Dude that's my social security number!” then they started to talk to whatever started spewing answers out, I told my cousin that he would die in the  air force. At this point they tell the entity they are communicating  to prove itself. It then spell outs the word “DOLL” and they where like omg. They opened the door yo check on the porcelain doll they had laid in the other room and when they opened the door the doll was standing up right in front of the door staring right at them. Everyone freaked and ran out of the house. His best friend burned the ouija board and I think he temporarily went nuts for a few months. My cousin for some reason joined the air force and is on a base in Europe now.


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