“It’ll be okay.” Ashton tells me, kissing my forehead. “I promise.”

“It was Marigold Summers!” I sob into his shirt. “It’s not gonna be okay!”

“Fuck, it was her?”

I nod and Ashton pulls me closer to him. He rocks me back and forth and starts humming quietly in my ear. I take a few deep breaths and wipe my eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I tell him. “I shouldn’t be telling you all this.”

“No, I’m glad you trust me.”

“Please, just don’t do anything about Michael. I’ll figure it out.” I tell him.

“Just let me know if you need anything.”

“I need ice cream.” I respond dryly.

“I’ll run to the store real fast. Be back in fifteen.” He kisses my forehead and runs out of my room. How did I ever get stuck with such an amazing brother?

I walk to the bathroom and splash water on my face. It’s okay. I don’t even like Michael that much. I mean, it was just a crush. I’ve felt the same way a thousand times. But this time it feels different. It was pretty well established that Michael and I like each other. But there’s always gonna be someone prettier, or nicer, or bitchier, in Marigold’s case. I take a deep breath and look up in the mirror. My face is returning back to its normal color.

I hear the doorbell and look at my phone. Cal’s usually here around this time. I walk down the stairs and open the door.

“Hey, we need to talk.”
“Um, I’m actually really busy with homework and-”

“We both know that’s bullshit.” Luke says, brushing past me. “I need to talk to you.”

“About what?” I ask.

“What about him?”

“Marigold asked him to go to the carnival this weekend.”

“Why am I supposed to care?” I ask.

“Because he said yes.”


“He said yes. He’s going with Marigold to the carnival.” Luke narrows his eyes. “Have you been crying?”

“No, I just put in eye drops.” I tell him, shrugging it off.

The front door opens and Ashton steps in. “I’ve got ice cream!”

“You were crying!” Luke says.

“No, I was not!”

“What kind of ice cream did you bring, Ashton?” Luke asks.

“Birthday cake flavor with uh, those bits of chocolate candy bars in it.” He answers, getting spoons.

“You were definitely crying.” Luke states.

“No, I wasn’t!”

“What were you not doing?” Michael asks from the doorway.

I bite my lip. I don’t want to make it obvious that I’m upset so I have to act as normal as

possible. I shrug. “My homework, which I should, uh, finish, so I’ll be upstairs. You guys have fun. Enjoy the ice cream.” I turn and walk up the stairs.

I take a seat on my bed and take a deep breath. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

The bedroom door opens and Michael walks into my room, closing the door behind him. “Get out of my room.” I tell him.


“Is this some sort of sick joke?” I snap.

“What do you-?”

“I’m mad at you so you go and make out with the biggest bitch at school? Right in front of me? Great, Michael. That’s really fucking great! I thought we liked each other, but obviously Marigold Summers is the hot one, the bitchy one, the popular one. What the fuck did I ever fucking do to you?” I snap. “Sure, I was mad. Sure I ignored you for a weekend. A weekend. One fucking weekend. And you go and make out with Marigold Summers!” I’m yelling now, and I know the rest of the guys can hear me from downstairs so they don’t have to eavesdrop. “How long have I known you? A month? One month and we’ve established that we both like each other. I just thought, ‘Oh how sweet! He’s shy and gets nervous around girls!’. Well fuck me in the ass because I was fucking wrong! You haven’t even talked to Marigold Summers for two fucking minutes of your whole fucking life and you’re already making out with her. Guess what, Michael? You’re classy as fuck!” I spit. “Get out of my room, get out of my house, and get out of my life. I’m sick of you and your stupidity! You’re an insensitive asshole and you can go to hell!” I scream.

Michael’s eyes widen. “I-”

“Fuck you.” I spit out.

“Listen, I-”

“No. I’m done with you and your shit.” I tell him. “Get out.”

“You don’t even have a right to be mad!” He says. “I had to leave last weekend. You seemed completely fine with it at the time! And then you start ignoring my text messages and my calls! I was calling to apologize. But no! You wouldn’t have it because you like to blow things out of proportion! All girls are dramatic, but you’ve got to be the worst one. You think I’m an asshole? Well, great! Because I think you’re a bitch! We weren’t dating, or going out or anything! And here you are, screaming at me like we have been! Well I’m glad I didn’t ask you out sooner, because now I realize just how stupid asking you would’ve been!” He yells.

I feel my eyes welling with tears and I shove past him and walk out of my room.

“I’m not done talking!” Michael yells, following me.

“Really?” I snap. “What else do you have to say to me?” I snap. “It’s definitely not an apology so you can go fuck yourse-”

“Shut up and listen!” Michael yells.

I roll my eyes and walk down the stairs.

“You’re an asshole.” I tell him over my shoulder. “A fucking asshole!”

“Well you’re a fucking bitch! You can’t go around acting jealous because I’m going out with someone else!”

“So I don’t have a right to be jealous?” I yell, walking into the kitchen where everyone is standing awkwardly.

“Absolutely not!” Michael yells, throwing his hands up in the air.

“Then you shouldn’t be jealous.” I snap.

He laughs sarcastically. “Jealous of what, Lia?”

I can feel anger rising up inside of me and I want nothing more than to hurt Michael in the worst way possible. I walk over to Luke, grab the collar of his shirt, and press my lips against his.


We Never Change || Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now