Chapter 1 - Chapter 7 Summary

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*Credits to @gurls_rock*

Hi there. @gurls_rock started this story, and I was really upset to know that she was going to stop and delete it. I offered to finish it for her, and she said I could do that for her. I'm just gonna summarize what happened in the first 7 chapters, which she wrote, and then I will continue when what I wrote.

Chapter 1 and 2 - The Email

Louis and Niall have signed the boys up for a babysitter-for-hire site, unbeknownst to the boys. Liam gets a response first, from a Melissa Ross. After much argument, they agree to do it regardless.

Meanwhile, eighteen-year old Skylar Ross is basically throwing a tantrum because her mom thinks she needs a babysitter. All because of a little party she threw a couple of months back.

When One Direction shows up at her door step, she doesn't know what to make of this whole situation. But rest assured, plenty of teenage drama ensues.

When Skylar least expects it, One Direction is knocking on her door.

The rest of the story so far........

Skylar refuses to warm up to the boys. As the boys greet her mom, Skylar still can't believe this "horrible" twist of fate.

The boys settle in, and something Harry says seems to strick a nerve for Skylar. He asks about a picture, and the picture is of some people that she cared about very much. Unfortunately, they are no longer alive.

Overcome with emotions and not wanting Harry to see her break, she runs from the room. As she makes her way down to the kitchen to serve herself some juice, she straight out ignores Liam's attempts at making conversation. After a slightly awkward moment bumping into Niall and a five second stare-off, she leaves, all without saying a word. Liam shouting "Well it was nice talking to you" only caused Skylar to smirk, although we are not really sure about what she accomplished.

In the next couple of weeks as they become comfortable with each other, they develop a "friendship" of some sorts. There is just one question.....Who is babysitting who?

Are One Direction babysitting me.....or is it the other way?Where stories live. Discover now