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      "You're in trouble

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      "You're in trouble."

I roll my eyes at Mal's dramatic declaration, shrugging my shoulders. I plop myself into a chair, my eyes landing on Dizzy who stands bewildered behind the cash register.

"What's up, Diz?" I eye the girl, letting out a gasp when she screams. "Woah, what's that for?" My hands fly to my ears, blocking out the high pitched sound.

"You and Harry Hook just flirted!" Dizzy squeals, running from behind the cash register to sit beside me. "What did he smell like?"

I grimace, my brows furrowing as I glance at Mal, "Um, like fish. Not that great." I lie, my mind going back to his scent. He smelled really good, like pine and lemon, but I couldn't let anyone know that I actually smelled the guy.

"Are you two done?! This is serious, Beverly!" Mal shrieks, pulling me up from the chair. "If Uma finds out you're here she'll immediately use it against me! Something really bad could happen, I don't need you in trouble right now. I don't have time for this!"

I narrow my eyes at her frustrated ranting before muttering, "not everything is about you, Mal."

"What did you just say?" Mal crosses her arms over her chest, her expression challenging me to repeat what I just said.

And like the idiot I am, I do, "not everything is about you." I repeat, copying her stance.

"What makes you think I'm thinking about myself, huh? The fact that I saved you from Quincy or the fact that I don't want you to become fish bait?" her cheeks begin to flush as she shouts, her eyes glowing the slightest bit of green.

"More like the fact that you seem to think that this Uma chick only wants me because it'll hurt you! Did it ever occur to you that maybe she won't care because you aren't that special!" As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them, but I continue to speak anyway. "And to top all of that off you clearly don't think I can handle myself! You're worse than Ben, no wonder you two get on so well! I can use a sword better than any girl in Auradon and yet nobody even cares because I'm a girl!"

"Okay, guys! Please stop fighting!" Dizzy pleads, stepping inbetween Mal and I.

"We aren't fighting," I shake my head, stepping away from my friend. "This is over."

I quickly turn on my heel and storm out of the shop, wiping away the few stray tears that had fallen without my knowledge.

"Trouble in paradise?"

I jump, glaring at the silhouette beside me. "None of your buisness."

I continue down the alley, ignoring the stranger that was so determined to follow me.

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