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       "Wow this place is alot crappier than I thought it would be

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       "Wow this place is alot crappier than I thought it would be."

I let out ragged breath, gagging as I step over a pile of trash. My hand instantly flies to my nose, blocking the horrid smell as I pinch it shut.

"Hey, you!"

I jump for what feels like the millionth time today, turning on my heel to be greeted by a strangely familiar face. My brows raise at the woman, my body unvoluntarily cringing at her wicked smile.

"You aren't from here," she observes, stepping closer to me.

I take a step back, wondering to myself if this lady knows what personal space is or if she just doesn't care that she's invading my personal bubble.

"You're an Auradon girl, aren't you?" She accuses, pointing a boney finger at me.

"No," I lie cooly, shaking my head, "why would you think that?"

The woman squints her eyes at me, letting out an annoying cackle, "You lie, your dress was made in Auradon. We don't have the fabric to make such a thing here."

"Oh this ugly thing?" I look down at my dress, faking disgust as I wave her off. "I stole it."

The woman narrows her eyes, studying my face before nodding. She doesn't say anything else, she simply stares at me for what feels like an eternity before turning and walking away.

"Weirdo." I scoff to myself, turning to continue down the alley only to walk right into another person. "Seriously, people! Personal space, back it up!" I push the person back, snorting when they stumble to the ground.

"Hey, do you know who my mother is?! I'll have you be-headed right here!" The boy rambles, quickly hopping back up to his feet.

"I'm sure you will," I sneer sarcastically, "let me guess, you're Quincy. Son of the Queen of Hearts."

"Is it that obvious?" the boy avoids eye contact with me, staring at his shoes as if they're the most interesting thing in this alley.

"Kinda." I shrug, pointing at his heart covered clothing. "Plus you mentioned cutting my head off, so there is that too."

"True," he nods, his eyes locking with mine before widening. "I know you!"

"Nope, don't know you either." I shake my head, taking a step away from him.

"Yes, I do!" He insists, "you're Princess Beverly."

"No, I'm not!" I lie, "I guess I just have one of those faces." I shrug, taking another step away from the boy but he grabs my arm, roughly pulling me into him. "What did I say about personal space?! Let me go!"

The boy sends a wicked grin my way before pulling me down the alley. I plant my heels into the ground, trying my best to pull myself from his steel grasp.

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