Dudley blinked the tears he felt in his eyes away. That last sentence had cut in his heart. He had mistreated Harry so many times and for so long but still he considered him as family. He walked over to Harry who was waiting at the door. Granny came walking over. "Must Granny take Mister Dudley to his home master? She asked. Harry who wanted to take his cousin himself told the elf that he would do it and Granny shook her head as she walked away. "Granny must be bad elf as master does not wants Granny to take masters family home." "Granny" Harry called and the elf turned " could you take Dudley and me to his house please?" he asked. The elf's small face lit up like a candle and she was back in two steps. "Master wansesme to take him and his cousin?" she asked in disbelief. Harry nodded and he took her hand as Dudley took her other. "You took good care of me when you brought me here so I would be honored if you would also bring me home." Dudley told the old elf. Hermione could not believe what she was hearing. The way Dudley talked to the elf she knew was in the elves eyes with the biggest respect and gratitude they could get from a wizard to be told they would be honored and that they were given praise for what they had done. Granny looked almost as she would explode with pride. "Granny will try not to let mister fall this time, Granny is still sorry for that." she said. "Don't be Granny" Dudley told the elf "you could not help it I was not that familiar with that way of transport." Harry looked at Dudley. "Ready?" He asked. After a nod from Dudley they were gone. 

With a loud crack they arrived at Harry's old room at Privet drive number 4. Harry who got his footing as soon as he hit the ground looked at the door. He could see it was closing but when the person on the other side heard the crack they pushed it back open. "YOU!!" screamed uncle Vernon. He was about to walk in when he saw Dudley stepping in front of Harry. "If you want a piece of him you will have to go through me." He said. Vernon stopped that in his tracks. "What have you done to my son you freak?" he screamed at Harry. "Vernon why are you yelling?" came the voice of his aunt. When she looked in the room and could see Harry standing there she screamed. "You will apologize to Harry for that remark." said Dudley "He is not a freak. He is a wonderful young man with a great heart." Dudley told his father. "Dudders please come away from that freak." his mother spat "you don't know how dangerous he is."  

"Petunia call the police," Vernon said "I wonder if they want to come for kidnapping and breaking and entering." he said with a big smile. "I did not kidnap anybody but please do call them perhaps they are interested in a case of child abuse?" Harry spoke. "You have no proof for that boy." said Vernon. "well dad what about a witness?" said Dudley with a evil smile "yes I will tell them what you all did what I did even if I land myself in jail for it. We were wrong and you know it. You may not like it but you know it is the truth. Mom knew that the magic was not going away and that Harry would be a wizard." at the mentioning of the words magic and wizard both Vernon and Petunia flinched. "well mom why are you not calling the police? I think they will wonder how the man that you accuse of kidnapping me and breaking in at the house has done that without leaving any marks." Petunia looked at her son. She knew she had hated her sister for so long for what she was that she projected this hate to this boy equally but instead she knew she had liked the boy. She hated the magic in him but the boy she liked. "Mom, Dad we need to talk." Said Dudley. "Granny would you be so kind to tell Ginny and the rest Harry will be a little later that we need some time to talk. They don't need to worry he will be there shortly." Dudley asked the elf who Harry was holding back because he knew that if he didn't she would attack the Dursleys. 

"Granny is sorry but will not leave master with these evil thingses" she said "I understand that you don't want to leave your master Granny but please. I promise you that Harry will be safe. You have my word." Dudley had gone on his knees to be at eye level of the elf so she could see that he meant every word he had said, she nodded. "Yous are a good sirs. Granny believes Master will be safe with yous here. Granny wills tell Mistress that Master will be a bit later." Harry let go of the elf and with a crack she was gone. "What was that ugly creature you had brought in my house boy?" Vernon shot at Harry. Before Harry could say anything Dudley took charge. "That lovely creature was Granny. She is one of the house-elves Harry has as his servants. You will talk with respect about her because she has more love in her left ear than you in your whole body." Vernon who had never heard his son talk to him this way looked stunned. "We will all go down and talk." Said Petunia strict and with no room for discussion. "I will not sit at the same table as that" Vernon started. "Yes Vernon you will. We will all go down and talk just as Dudley said it is time we talked." Petunia interrupted him. "Harry would you like some tea?" she asked him before going downstairs to make the tea. Harry who could not believe this change his aunt calling him by his name and being nice to him followed. When he passed Vernon he was grabbed and pushed against the wall. "I don't know what you did boy" Vernon began, but before he could finish the sentence Dudley was beside Harry and pushed his father. "You will not hurt Harry anymore." he said. "I gave my word to Granny and I will keep it, even if I must fight you over it dad." He said. Vernon who had the wind blown out of him from the force of Dudley's push didn't know what to say. He could see his son hold out his hand to Harry and that he helped his cousin up. "Thanks." said Harry. "Are you alright?"What his son was asking the freak if he was all right? What was going on. "Let's go down. Mom will have the tea ready." Dudley said and the two young men left Vernon standing there.
"VERNON YOU COME DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" he heard his wife screaming at him. Vernon knew he was in trouble.

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