Chapter 3- oh, THAT friend

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"Yeah, whatever." I replied, walking into the other room. I nearly tripped over one of his guitars, that was sprawled in the middle of the hallway, next to a handful of picks.

"MARCUS!" I yelled. He raced over, almost running into me. "What.. What is it?" he said, panting.

"What? Nothing you just can't leave all your stuff all over the middle of the floor." I said, with a small grin as he rested an arm on my shoulder, with his head hanging down, trying to ease his breath.

"Oh." It was quiet for a while. "Jeez, I.. I thought you were hurt- I.. I was really worried." He picked his head up, looking at me with those big wide eyes of his.

"I'm sorry." I said, softening under his puppy-dog gaze. He gave me a crooked smile and closed the distance between us. A laugh caught in my throat and I said "You still have to pick the guitar up." against his lips.


"Are you guys performing tomorrow night?" If you were wondering, the guys were having a party before they left to tour America. They were always partying really, but this was supposed to be special.

"I dunno, we may make an appearance." he joked, giving me a wink.

"Well I mean, it IS your party." He chuckled.

"That it is. That it is." Here he goes again with his 'wise old man' talk.

"Okay so you'll at least play one song?"

"Well we can't just keep it at one, now can we? We'd got to play at least play five."

I smiled. He was such a tease to me. He cleared his throat. "Well uh, I'd better get ready. I'm s'posed to have dinner with a friend tonight."

"Oh? And who would this friend be, Mister? The same friend from the other night?"

He looked at me. "Wha- hey, it's not like that. But yeah, actually. She was one of my good friends when I was younger, and I haven't seen her in ages. Goodness, I'm not in love with her or anything!"

I sighed. "Well, you catch up with her then. You can invite her to the party tomorrow too if you want. What'd you say her name was?"

"Carey Uh, Carey Mulligan."

"Good. Well you get ready then. I guess I'll just order some food since I won't be troubled to make it for the both of us!"  He walked into the other room , laughing.

I would go to work, but I had taken a couple days off so I could spend it with Marcus. As I searched my phone contacts for that pizza place I liked, I saw Ben's name. Ben. I wonder what he's up to. No matter, I'll see him at the party. I saw Winnie's name and I nearly spit all over my phone as a laugh bubbled out of my mouth. Right alongside his name was his contact picture, which happened to be of him very drunk and wielding a middle finger. Classic Winnie. 

I shot him a text:

Please don't tell me you're planning on getting too drunk tomorrow night.

He replied after I had ordered food with :

Oh no. I plan on getting VERY drunk tomorrow night. Why?

Me: Oh, no reason. I was hoping you didn't want any blackmail pictures of you, but I see you have no choice...

Marcus gathered his stuff and kissed me goodbye.

W: Just because I enjoy meself a lot, doesn't mean you have to photograph every second of it! You and Ted both, ya buggers. And besides, I've got at least one GOLDEN picture of you.

Me: Oh yeah? And when's the last time I got drunk, please tell me.

W: You don't like to too much, but you did about three weeks ago! Ah, you must've forgotten the whole thing! Needless to say, at one point in the night you got on the mechanical bull they've got at Ricky's, and ya just went wild!

Me: That's B.S! I would never!

W: I suppose ya want the photographic evidence, yeah? Oh suit your self!

Attached was a picture of me riding the mechanical bull, with a wild look on my face, and a questionable amount of buttons on my top undone. Good Lord. He sent another one in which I was piggy-back riding Marcus by the looks of it, but by the look on my face I could tell I thought he was the bull. What troubled me most was my outstretched hand wound up to smack his bum.

I texted Winnie back with

Me: You know Winnie, I think I actually might hate you.

W: Oh dear, you could never. You love me! Everyone does! Well, I gotta go, one  of me mates seems to have got himself arrested!

Well, I was glad it wasn't Winston for that matter!

Mwahaha Carey has arrived!!!! well, sorta

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