"We'll go to lunch. I just hope it will be for celebrating not for eating up my depression" I said in a confused state of mind. Should I go in or not?

He kissed me reassuringly on my lips and I got out of the car. Robert took of quickly leaving me in front of a tall building. I was scared like never before.

As I started walking in the direction of the entrance, everything went blank in my head. I was about to run away, as Robert walked besides me holding my hand tight.

"Did you think that I would leave you all alone while you are freaking out honey?"

"Rob you have your own things to do. I'll be okay. I just need a minute and some deep breaths."

"Actually I had nothing going on. I just called Hannah in the car for you to think I had something to do. I just wanted to be right next to you when you get the most important gig of your life. I know you wanted this since you started being a journalist. You will be great" he said while kissing the side of my head. "I love you and I trust you Jo. Go knock 'em dead honey. Sweep them off their feet."

As I left Robert sitting on a chair in the lobby I started smiling. He was always there for me in the most important moments. 

 At the meeting :

I entered a big office. I saw a name tag on the desk. Apparently the name of my new boss will be Mr.Clark. He had a few pictures of his family on his walls. 2 kids and a beautiful wife. I smiled imagining me and Robert just like that.

"Hy Jo! I am the chief editor of the magazine. Take a seat so we can start our interview. Did you bring your resume miss?"

"Yes! Of course. Here it is" I said while reaching in my purse.

After 10 minutes of searching different things in my resume he finally spoke.

"Well from what I see here, you are not from around here, but your education is a pretty good one. You've been a new reporter for a newspaper for 3 years, and a photographer since the age of 16. Now Jo, I just want to know one thing. Do you really love the job? Have you ever red our magazine?"

"I do love my job. I wanted to be a journalist since 7th grade and pursued this dream. I love writing and meeting new people and being a reporter means the world to me. As is being a photographer. I think a photograph speaks more than a thousand words. I did read your magazine once or twice. The thing is that in my country you don't find them that easily, so I did most of my reading online" I said trying to sound confident in myself.

"Well Jo I had 2 more line ups after you, but I think that you and I will get along perfect. You got the job" he said smiling wide.

"What did you just say?" I asked confused

"You just got the job. You are the new executive editor and photographer of The Rolling Stone Magazine. Welcome to the family. You will start work next Monday. I want to give you some time to get settled in. I hope it's okay."

"Okay? It's perfect. Thank you so much Mr. Clark. I won't disappoint you." I said while getting up from my seat and reaching out for his hand to shake.

To my surprise the elderly man just took me in for a hug.

"No need for hand shakes around here dear. And call me Peter."

"Okay Peter. I'll be back on Monday first thing. If you need any help at all please just call me. It doesn't matter if I come in to work earlier."

"Have a nice week Jo. Go and celebrate."

In the lobby:

I walked out of his office confident and happy. As Robert saw the big smile on my face he came running to me and hugged me kissing all my face in the process.

"Oh my God! I know that smile. You got the job didn't you?!?" he asked hopeful

"I got the job Robbie. I'm the new executive editor and photographer. I can't believe it and Mr Clark is a wonderful boss. He is the way I imagined my dad would be at his age. The interesting part is that he has the same name my dad had" I said as it struck me as lighting. His name was Peter.

 Shaking off the feeling I got Roberts hand in mine and started walking to the exit.

We went to a nice restaurant and ate the most delicious lunch ever. After that we stopped by the shop to get the last things I needed and food.

We started goofing off and ended up having a karaoke marathon in the car. Robert stopped singing and just stared at me .

"What? I have something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Babe, have I ever told you how beautiful you are and how happy I am to have ended up with you by my side. You picked up the pieces of my shattered heart and put it back together. I love you so much Jo."

"Ohh Robert. You have no idea of how much I love you baby."

With that we pulled up in front of the house and I took a run for the front door.

"Honey be careful you know you have the tendency of falling flat on your face when you do that!" Screamed a worried Robert.

"Robert I gotta pee so badly I don't even care if I stumble and fall. Oh my God. It's going to explode take a cover" I screamed while signaling like the SEAL guys.

Robert just shook his head and started laughing.

Roberts P.O.V

As I watched her run to the front door I just fell in love even more with her. She was childish sometimes, but so grown up when it came to serious things. She was smiling, but I knew she was hurting on the inside. She kissed me like her life depended on me. My life did depend on her. She became my everything. She was the center of my Universe.

Me, Robert Downey Jr. fell in love with a girl 23 years younger than him, but never felt happier. Who doesn't like it can look the other way.

I will marry this girl!

The Chronicles of Two Broken Wings { Robert Downey Jr.} [First Book]Where stories live. Discover now