
"We're here." Grover said as we crawled through a hole in the fence and saw the park was abandoned "This was the park Ares and Aphrodite were at?" Tyler said with disbelieve in his voice "Thought they would have been somewhere a little better." I said as he snorted "Look, fresh clothes." Annabeth said pointing to a store as she walked towards it. "Isn't that stealing?" Tyler yelled but she ignored him and continued walking towards the store "Well let's go, I need some fresh clothes." Tyler said as he and Grover walked towards the store "Aren't you coming to change?" he said while I shook my head "I'm not going to the Underworld dressed in bright summer clothes. You go ahead." I said chuckling as they entered the store.

Fifteen minutes later, they emerged in bright summer clothes while Annabeth picked up a bright red rubber ball, why I don't know. "Ya'll look amazing." I said sarcastically clapping my hands "Thanks Percy, I appreciate that." Tyler said while I rolled my eyes as we continued searching for Ares's stupid shield till we saw it sitting in the middle of a ride that said THRILL RIDE O' LOVE: THIS IS NOT YOUR PARENTS' TUNNEL OF LOVE. "This is too easy." Annabeth said looking around as she trailed her fingers over a Greek letter "There's a Greek letter here, Eta, I wonder..." she trailed off "Smell any monsters Grover?" Tyler said as Grover shook his head "Nothing, Tyler." he said.

"Go ahead lovebirds, this ride was meant for you." I said gesturing to the ride while Tyler and Annabeth looked at me shocked "No, that's disgusting." Annabeth shaking her head "Fine, I'll go by myself." I said as I shadow travelled to the other side of the fence "Grover, you're the Red Baron. If we need help, I'll call on you." I said as Tyler hopped over the fence as did Annabeth. "How lovely of you two to join me." I said as they walked past me to the shield "Be careful, this seems to easy." I said as they nodded "What has Ares so scared that he won't even come to pick up his shield?" I mused as I picked up a pink scarf and started coughing as perfume filled my throat "Aphrodite's love scarf." I said covering up my nose as I put it back down and continued ahead towards Annabeth and Tyler.

"Wait a minute, didn't Hephaestus trap Aphrodite and Ares before and broadcast it live for all of Olympus to see?" I said as Tyler picked up the shield "Yes, why do you ask?" Annabeth said as realization dawned in her eyes and went to speak but mechanical spiders started filling into the area as Annabeth started to panicking and flipping out as the spiders started to overwhelm us "Live on Olympus in ten, nine, eight." I heard as I shadow travelled to Annabeth and Tyler and shadow travelled us to the ride and saw Annabeth was paler than a sheet "Fasten her in, I got a plan." I said as Tyler nodded "Three, two, one." we heard as the little cupids around us showed little cameras as lights started turning on.

We were being broadcasted for Olympus's amusement, I realized as pure fury filled my veins "First, we're accused of being stealing Zeus's master bolt, then we lose our mother to a Minotaur, then we're going through all this trouble, and now we're being broadcasted for their own amusement. I've had it with these gods." I said as the pipes around us exploded with water and sent us forward as I controlled our direction "Get ready to jump." I said as Tyler nodded "What about Annabeth?" he said looking at her "I'll take care of her. Jump now!" I said as he jumped and landed on a group of nets safely. "Alright Annabeth, I need you to trust me okay?" I said soothingly as she nodded shakily as I unbuckled her "I need you to sit on the shield and hold on for dear life alright?" I said as she nodded as she got on "Ready?" I said as she nodded as I sent a wave of water under her as she sailed through the air and also landed in a group on nets as I looked back forward as my eyes widened.

"Uh oh." I said as I realized I was heading for a bunch of wreckage as the ride collided with it as I used it over a springboard and jumped over the wreckage as I went through a broken wall and rolled for a few feet till I finally came to a stop. Once everything calmed down I stood up slowly and saw a little cupid still playing as I glared at it, knowing the Olympians are watching.

Percy Jackson Champion of the PrimordialsWhere stories live. Discover now