Emergency Induction Port- GarrusXTali

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          Tali sat alone in the bar, drinking through what humans called straws. Her people were in the dumps, but she didn't know what to do about it. Rannoch was beautiful though. She hiccupped once more, and kept drinking.

          After she finished her second bottle and she felt her insides churn, Garrus walked through the automatic door. She giggled lightly and spun around. The Turian stared at her in disbelief.

          Tali wasn't known for drinking. The Quarian was usually so happy and upbeat all the time, she didn't need the alcohol. Garrus walked slowly towards the woman. She smiled and took another sip through her induction port.

          Truth be told, Garrus fell quickly for Tali. He fell hard for her light voice, her bubbly an childish personality, the outline of pure beauty through her mask. He wanted to hold onto her and never let her go. He was finally going to tell her. Only now, she was drunk so she wouldn't remember the next day.

          That might be the thing that made the Turian more confident. Tali swung towards the bar once more, and Garrus sat next to her.

         "Tali, why are you drinking?" His smooth voice rang through Tali's ears. She wasn't sure if that was the drink, or her feelings that made her heart flutter.

          "Rannoch was amazing. But so is this cleansed Turian Brandy for Quarians. My emergency induction port-" She started to explain what she just told Shepard. Garrus, cut her off.

          He pulled her into an embrace. "It's a straw, dear." He murmured into the crook of her neck. He held her like it was the last time he'd ever feel her ski- well, the material of her suit again. He couldn't kiss her, like he wanted to.

         He chuckled awkwardly, then gently pecked the top of her mask. He gave her a crooked smile.

         Garrus couldn't see it, but Tali's face was a crimson red. Garrus meant so much to her- and Shepard was with Ashley. She brought him closer, wishing to take off her mask without dying. She knew Turians don't kiss, mainly because kissing was difficult without actual lips, but she wanted to kiss him.

        That night, the bond between the two melded as if it was always there. Of course, it was always there.

         And to think, if Garrus didn't cut her off, they would have argued about straws the whole night.

So I know it's really short, but detail is a thing I'm working hard on. Be patient with me, and feedback would be amazing!

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