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Lisa left their house and went to Jungkook (Jungkook still lives at his house in Busan. Lisa is going to Busan).

When Lisa rode in the airplane. She is practicing what she will say to Jungkook.

When she is in the airplane,she called Jungkook.

Lisa will be bold in italics and Jungkook will be italics.

"Hey! How are you?"

"Hi Lisa! Why are you sad?"

"What sad?"

"It's obvious in your voice."

" Haha! You still know me...."

"What happened? Tell me!"

"I left Taehyung. He has been cheating on me."

"I am so sorry to hear that."

"By the way,I am coming to you today."


"I am in the plane right now.....Jungkook......I think I still love you."

"Lisa? Are you for real? Are you serious?"

"Yes! I am. By the way,bye now!"


Lisa ended the call. She looked at the window and saw dark clouds forming.

Lisa saw it rained and the airplane is not safe. She is so scared. She don't have Jungkook at her side.

After 5 mins,the plane begin to fall.

"This is your pilot speaking. We are experiencing difficul-"

Lisa covered her ears because she didn't want to know.

Lisa looked at the window and......the plane crashed.

Jungkook POV
I waited Lisa in the airport. I watched the television and saw a news about a plane that crashed and it said that it's from Daegu going to Busan and I remembered Lisa is from Daegu....she is in the accident. There is 100 passengers and 25 is alive,while the rest is dead. And the people came out and Lisa didn't. I knew it......she didn't make it...

~ So this is the first sad ending. I will make 2 kinds of sad ending. So I am so sorry if I made you cry hehe! I am really really sorry!~

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