About Joseph Cristiansen

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Known as the "Cool Youth Minister dad"
Father of: Chris, Christie, Christian, and Crish

-Baking with the kids
-extensive knowledge of knot tying
-Doing Kickflips
-losing salt shakers
-when dads don't get along
-when people thing that crocks are acceptable boat shoes

-Dad book profile-
Voted Maple Bay's #1 Youth Minister for five years running. Living in my hometown with my beautiful wife and our four amazing kids. If I'm not in church you can catch me out on the open water, setting sail on the seas of adventure! I love playing guitar and crushing my kids at Candy Land.

On a Friday Night you are most likely to....
I Lead the community in a fun mixer

If you had one thing to take with you onto a desert island, what would it be?
My six string

What are your turn-ons?
My loving wife

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Ship captain

What's your favorite movie genre?
Feel-good movies

What's your ideal date?
Lovely night on the town with my wife

What do you never leave home without?
The good book

I spend a lot of time thinking about:
How I can be a better man, husband, and father

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