About Hugo Vega

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Known as the "Teacher Dad"
Father of: Ernest

-Discussing wine and cheese pairings
-Kissing in art galleries
-The smell of books

-Unfaithful film adaptations of good novels
-when his son vapes in the car
-teaching summer school

-dad book profile-
Middle school and High school teacher. Writer of scholarly articles on 18th century literature for various esteemed publications. If you're on here to tell me that my son put a cherry bomb in your trash, I know and I'm sorry.

On a Friday Night you are most likely to....
Brew some strong tea and paint my miniatures.

If you had one thing to take with you onto a desert island, what would it be?
A Rememberance of Things Past by Marcel Proust

What are your turn-ons?

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Movie star

What's your favorite movie genre?
Documentaries on art history

What's your ideal date?
Each of us read a different book on opposite sides of the couch in comfortable silence

What do you never leave home without?
My glasses. Actually i forget them at home a lot

I spend a lot of time thinking about:
I worry that people who are against e-readers are more in love with the idea of books than actually reading them

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