Towards the warmth

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Weiss looked around the crowded streets of mistral, filled with interesting aromas from different foods that were way more attracting than those back in Atlas.

The scents made her stomach grumble crazily as if she had never eaten a proper meal.

Birds stood on the top of the stores, more than usual in Mistral, chirping a happy tune as some of their ruffled feathers fly down the streets oddly.

Her arm became sore and tired from carrying her heavy luggage all day. She sighs desperately, continuing to look. "And I thought this was going to be easier"

She continued to walk around the filled crowds of Mistral. Suddenly a suspicious person who wore a gray like cape walk by her, hitting their shoulder with hers.

"Hey! Watch-" The Schnee was interrupted by a cold, peirced, shiver that ran down her spine as the unknown person gave a ood grin at her.

The hood casted a shadow over their face, making it harder to identify.

Weiss hurriedly backed and turned away from them. Could it be that her father has known where she was and sent someone to bring her back?! Or was it a person who also wants to be in the 'I've always wanted to kill a Schnee list'?

Maybe it was Something else.

The entity got closer to her by the second. Softly chuckling to its self.

Could it be friend in disguise?

'No, they would act differently from this.' Weiss thought to herself. She fastened her pace, jogging you can say, as she tried to blend into the crowd.

"You can't escape from me"

She completely froze upon hearing the voice against her ear, unable to move. The Ivory haired girl couldn't make the gender up from it, as the voice sounded somewhere between a raspy young man and an older woman. Suddenly Weiss felt something small, but sharp, slowly peirce through her back, making her teeth grit in pain.

Her vision became opaque, her breath shallows as dark spots fill the blurred vision.


The mysterious entity cursed and disappeared without a trace, pulling out the sharp object off, making the Schnee flinch.

Winter immediately hugged her sister. "Klein told me you would be here." She whispered to her smaller sibling.

Weiss slowly regained her normal self, pulling Winter into a hug as well. Her weight rested on Winter tiredly.


"Are you sure you're alright Weiss?"- She eyed at Weiss's arm around her shoulders- "You've been placing your weight on me, almost carrying you in one way to say"

"I'm fine, just tired from the trip"

Winters' eyes narrow, not sure to belive her siblings lie is true.

Weiss gave a wide and warm smile, rarely seen by anyone else, outside Winter and Klein, hoping it will convince her.

The elder Schnee sighs softly, opening the door to the luxurious apartment. "Welcome"

The interior of the apartment was breath taking, earning its gasp from Weiss, as it was covered in a blue scale of colors. Smooth, clear like, white tiles. A soft blue white gradient painted on the walls. Every thing, desks, furniture, wall frames, accessories, seemed to fit perfectly on where they are.

Winter is so perfect in every way, that even her living place was upmost reflection of her.

Both Schnees enter, Winter, closing the door behind her, placed Weiss on the soft and comfortable couch. "I'll go get you something warm to drink on"

Weiss nods, placing her luggage down by the furniture. Long minutes pass by as she waits. Closing her eyes for the while  as a way to rest.

"Weiss?" Winter, moved the warm mug under her nose.

The aroma of the warm and sweet vanilla fill her senses, making her eyes flutter open. "Huh! Oh! Im s-sorry" Looks like she fell asleep for a while, making her embarrassed, earning a light chuckle from Winter. She took the mug and blew on the steam. "Thank you"

Winter nods with a faint smile- "Looks like you were tired" -as she took a sip from her own mug.

"Yeah. . ."

"I've wanted to talk to you about the situation that happened during the funding."-she took a pause and looked at Weiss as she still stared at her warm filled mug.- "You couldn't contain it, you can't control what you have summoned functionally. Such failure. Preposterous."

The ex-heiress looked at Winter in disappointment. "S-sorry, I-"

"But, I'm also proud of you"- She the older woman softly blew on the hot steam away from the rim of the mug, cutting Weiss from her sentence- "Klein told me you summoned the White knight in your room"

Weiss smiled at the other Schnee, her mug close by as she held it with both of her hands. "Really?"

Winter chuckled once again, sipping on the warm soothing drink. "Yes Weiss."

Weiss, once again, smiled as she took a long sip of the warm vanilla flavored milk. The soothing liquid calmed her down, feeling like if everything will be alright at the moment.

Time flied by, chatter of the two Schnees fill the living room. Small laughter and chuckles will sometimes fill the area, but mostly calm talk about their lives and 'Oh, maybe this', or 'Maybe she'll come here' 'Hope I don't find the alcoholic bird'.

Just normal sisters talk, long overdue.


Outside, over a building top, a figure like shadow stood, looking trough a pair of binoculars.

"There's the Ice Queen" The figure chuckled to itself. Their gray cape fluttering in the wind. "This time, you will not escape from me."

"I told you, it's not time yet" A shadow submerged out, behind the other. "Let's go, it's dark and cold out here" It quipped in a stubborn tone. 

"Ugh, fine"

Weiss organized her stuff in her new room. Originally it was for guests, but at the moment, she didn't really care. All she wanted is a nice, soft, warm, and comfy place to lay on.

A bed. Finally.

Once done with organizing, and changing into her nightgown, the Ivory haired girl plopped down on her bed, giving a sigh as she lavishing the feeling of the soft cloud like bed on her back.

She ought back on what had happened earlier on the day, feeling the sinister figure peirce something in her back.

Weiss checked on the area, while she was dressing up on her nightgown, strangely, she found nothing.

No marks, punctures, bruises, nothing. . .

"Who are they" She told herself, thinking the possibilities on who it may be.

Weiss stood up, and grabbed her Mytenasyer from its luggage as she went back to lay on her bed.

She covered herself with the blanket, her arms and weapon over it, as she turned the lamp off and stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep, as her toughts could not stop thinking about the mysterious entity.

"This is going to be a long night. . ."

Ahh, I finally finished the second chapter. I did warn it will take time for this one.
Next chapter is about Ruby :D
I may plan on uploading it next week, maybe.
See ya'll on the next chapter!!
Sorry if my writing is not that good ;w;

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