The Cog in the Machine of the Old Coots plans

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   'Shit, what hippogriff did I piss off ' he thinks as the pain  in his upper and lower back increases as he moves.  After 20 minutes of staying still, trying to alleviate some of the pain, he finally gets up after hearing a tapping on his window.

  A beautiful eagle with burgundy feathers and golden specks is at the window with a piece of parchment, stamped on it is the Gringotts crest.

'What the hell ' thinking as he opens the window and takes letter. The eagle flies in and take perch on Hedwig's cage. 'Hm, Hedwig has been gone for a while, hopefully she safely delivered the letter,' At that thought he opens the letter.

Dear Harry Potter-Peverell-Lupin-Black
His eyes widen in surprise.
I hope this letter finds you in good health for we have to discuss the topic of your family inheritance and creature inheritance. We can also remove blocks, potions, and compulsions put on your person though we suspect that the inheritance takes care of at least the compulsion. For more info it will be listed at the bottom:
His eyes scan to the bottom page.
Creature- Dark elf
Main features- Pointed ears, small fangs, black body length wings( other features may vary upon Dom or Sub)
Submissive- small figure, feminine curves, and a tattoo behind the ear.
Modifications in magic
  -Adept at Dark Magic
  -Wandless Magic
  -Sexual Allure
  -Adept at Mind Magics
  -A slight boost to magical core
  Portkey listed at bottom
  Password-Unum Tenebris
May your enemies be vanquished and your vaults forever flow with gold,
                                                                                                    Ragnock, manager of Gringotts
'Wait, the letter said creature inheritance, which means-' he cuts the thought off and hurriedly opens the loose floorboard.  Searching through the mementos, he finds the old cracked mirror given to him before sirius' death.
  "Oh Merlin," he says as he looks in awe at his appearance.  The only election shows an androgynous boy with feminine features and straight black hair that has a shiny sheen to it. He has full red lips, snow pale skin, bright steely blue eyes with a green streak in them.  His hair falling and surrounding him like a wraith, pulled behind his hair to reveal a small two inches long tattoo of a rose with a small stem. What surprised him the most are the breathtaking body length black wings on his back which also has a sheen through it.
"Shit, their real," his whispered words said with surprise and confusion.
Suddenly the door opens, revealing petunias disgust filled face.  "Boy-," she cut off as she sees his appearance and fearful expression.  Rage fills her face as she was takes in her nephews "freakishness", acting quickly she grabs him by the hair and throws him into the wall.
"Aah," his screams rip through the walls.
She grabs a fistful of his feathers screaming with anger.  The blood paints the walls like a gruesome painting by a merciless and unforgiving artist.
He screams louder like he's in a horrific symphony orchestrated by lucifer himself. Abruptly, it stops and silence fills the room, a long awaited dream.  To him it feels like forever which in reality was 2 minutes and finally he feels safe.  Unconsciousness creeped up on him summoned by the head trauma he suffered from getting thrown in the wall and right before he passes out he catches a glimpse of black robes and a sneering face.

The Awakening Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant