Chapter 11: Halo's Mom

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   I had to admit,kissing Carter wasn't the worst thing in the world.( Of course I wasn't gonna let him know that.)

"So, when are you taking me out?"

He shrugged his shoulders." How does now work for you?"


"You still have your convertible. Let's take it out for a spin before the police take it away as evidence."

"But I can't drive. I'm too drowsy. Hell, I can barely walk."

He gave me a straight face. " I can drive."

"You can drive? Since when?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Since I turned 16 three months ago."

I crossed my arms. "How come I've never seen you drive?"

"Did I not mention my family was having financial problems?"

"Good point. So where are you taking me?"

"What's with all the questions?"

"You're taking me on a spontaneous date. I have no other choice but to ask questions."

"True. "

I told my dad I would be home by 10:00, then me and Carter got into the car and were off to hell knows where.

"Can I at least get a hint of where we're going?"

He looked at me. "Nope."

I groaned. (Nearly getting raped by my dad's girlfriend was crazy enough. But now I was being taken on a spontaneous date with Channing Tatum the asshole! What a normal birthday!)

30 minutes later we were somewhere out in the country.

"Are we there yet?"

He chuckled at me." I'm sorry, I thought you were 16. You're whining like a 5 year old."

I gave him that annoyed face. " It's been half an hour and you still haven't given me at least a clue of where we're going."

Carter's eyes lit up. " Oh, that reminds me."

He reached his arm out to the back of the car and took out a blindfold. "Put this on."

"You can't be serious."

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

I groaned and put it on. " I can't believe I'm listening to an asshole."

He chuckled. "Me neither."

"Shut up." I hit him in the arm while he was driving.

After what seemed to be 45 minutes, the car finally came to a stop.

"Are we there yet or did we just stop for you to squat in a bush and take a bathroom break?"

He laughed. " Calm down feisty. We're here."

"Finally. I can take this thing off."

I tried to take the blindfold off but Carter stopped me." No, not just yet. I'll tell you when."

I groaned as I opened the car door. As I tried to get out, I felt Carter pick me up by my legs.


"You can't touch the ground yet or you'll know where we are."

I crossed my arms." I just think you're making excuses to carry me."

He chuckled as he carried me what seemed to be downhill. (I'm  pretty used to Carter carrying me by now, but blindfolded? That's a whole different story!)

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