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I hate Mondays.

Mom is standing by the door again waiting for me to wake up. I move around so she will go away. "Come on Darcy, we don't have all day, we need to go in 30 minutes." "Yeah, yeah. I'm up."

"Now hurry up! Breakfast is ready." She leaved my room so I could get ready. She can be a pain in the ass in the mornings. I got out of bed to get ready.

When I got down, we had only 5 minutes. I groaned. Yay, no breakfast for me. I grabbed an apple and told mom that I'm ready. She came down the stairs and grabbed her purse and keys. The ride to Warpaint High was quiet with the radio playing quietly.

When we got to school I kissed mom on the cheek, said bye and went to find my friend Charlotte. She's a bubbly girl with auburn hair and brown eyes. She has been my friend since Middle school.


I turned around when I heard someone call my name. "Char!"

We ran to each other and hugged. "So how was your weekend?" Charlotte asked "I played video games with Nate and read. And how was your weekend?" All we do with Nate on weekends is playing video games. That's just what we do with him. Mom always scolds us for that.

"Gran visited so we went shopping and stuff. She dragged me to every store in the Mall. My legs were hurting when we got home." Charlotte didn't like shopping with her grandma.

"Poor gran. She must've been tired then."

"Hey!" Char yelled and I only grinned at her.

"Did you do your calculus homework?" "Yes, mom." I said sarcastically. "Well, that's good then. I have to go now. Literature is waiting. Doodles!" she said over her shoulder when we got to my locker. I laughed and said bye.

I took my biology textbook and started to go to class before late bell rang.

When lunch came, I went to get my notebook with my bucket list. It was gone. Between the notebook pages wasn't my list. I turned my whole locker upside down and it wasn't there. Nobody was supposed to see it, only me. Even Charlotte didn't know about it.

When I didn't see it anywhere, I went to lunch. When I went to sit next to Charlotte, she said something interesting.

"You know why Sebastian Hunter is staring at you?" I was confused so I looked where Sebastian sat with his buddy George Worthington. They were the "Bad Boys" of Warpaint High. And sure thing he was watching me.

When I catched his eyes, he smirked like he knew something he shouldn't know. It scared me a little if I'm being honest here.

"I have no idea, really. Maybe he's staring at nothing particular? We really don't know." "Ok then. Hey, do you want to go watch that new movie that's in the cinema? There will be hot guys and.." I nodded and listened to her talking about the hot actors.

When school was over, I called my mom to ask if she will come to get me or if I have to walk home. Mom said she will be late so walking it is. It's not really a long walk , only about 30 minutes. I took out my phone, plugged earphones in and started walking home.

When I got home, I went straight for my room to look for the list. Maybe it is somewhere in my room? When I couldn't find it, I knew one thing.

I'm doomed.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors Note:

Hei, if someone really reads it then thank you :) If I have errors or something, then it's because English isn't my first language so please excuse me. I will upload every Sunday

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