Flipping The Switch

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They heard four voice coming from the tomb, but the only ones recognisable were Elena's and Katherine's. Damon led the way down into the tomb. He tried to listen but all be could hear was Elena's heart beating. He walked around the tomb until he saw her, bound to a chair with vervain ropes and stakes stuck in her body. Then he heard laughter. Katherine walked out of a tunnel clapping her hands. Bonnie started to move her hands up to cast a spell but Elena shook her head.

"You actually came, for your precious Elena."-K

"I'm not doing this for her."  -D

"Well it's a time for her hourly stake would you like to do the honors? Do it or we kill her and Bonnie."-K

"Damon, don't."-B

Elena sat in the chair shaking her head and crying.

"I have to."-D

Damon rushes over there and sits above her with a stake at her neck.

"WAIT! Let's make this more of a fight!"-K

She looks at one of the men beside her, he has slick black hair and piercing dark brown eyes.

"Calvin, untie the rope around Elena's wrist."-K

He walks over to her and loosens the rope, so that Elena can pull out.

"Now you have to kill her, or Bonnie dies."-C

One of Katherine's other men, that had baby blue eyes and sandy colored hair, super sped over there and kept his mouth by Bonnie's neck.

"It is what it is."-D

Then he switched hands and put the stake over her heart.

"I'm so sorry."-D

"Damon look at me, I know this isn't your fault, you were protecting us all from Reckless Damon. I just wish you could've found the better way out."-E

Damon looks away from her.

"Damon, hey. You're gonna be fine. I promise."-E

Damon looks at the ground and taps his foot.

"Damon, I love you."-E

Then with that his eyes went blank and he dropped the stake and fell into Elena's arms.

"I'm so sorry. I almost hurt you."

True Love Never Dies x DelenaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora