Chapter Nine A Secret Too Painful To Tell

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Trevor has tied up his loose ends. He must now do what Dimidium law requires; tell Janna that he belongs to a secret race that is half vampire and half human, but he's afraid if he tells her he'll lose her love and he loves her deeply. Once he does that, he is required to marry her. However, he's not ready to marry again and he knows Janna isn't. Trevor's father Stefan, who's also his boss has insisted it's time to meet the human:

Trevor had been gone on assignment for several days before he called Janna.

"Trevor? I'm so glad you called. I haven't heard from you for a while," said Janna.

"I've been busy, but I have a week off. Would you like to go camping with me?"

"Sure. I've never camped before, but I'll do anything to be with you."

"I hope you'll always feel that way. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at 3 a.m."

"For real? That's so early."

"Stefan at my Los Angeles WDT Office wants to meet with you first. He's set up an appointment and it's important that you be there on time. Wear a decent dress."

"Stefan's your boss, right? Why does he want to meet me?"

"Don't worry about it. Just be ready." He hung up.

When Janna awoke, she drank a cup of coffee and ate a piece of toast. Three a.m. was way too early for her. The doorbell rang and she let Trevor in. He picked up her duffle bag, took her hand, and led her out without speaking. He waited impatiently while she locked the house door, then bustled her to the waiting car.

"A Dodge Charger?" she asked.

"It's fast." He opened the passenger side and guided her in. On the seat she found a blanket and a pillow. He set the seat back, placed the pillow behind her head, and covered her with the blanket. "This is early for you. I thought you might want to sleep while I drive."

"You're so thoughtful. Aren't you tired too?"

"I can't sleep much these days."

"Why not?"

"Too much on my mind," he said solemnly.

Outside of town, he gunned the engine and she watched the scenery whizz by. Although she tried to talk to him, to tell him about her mother's death and Jed's father's suicide, he seemed preoccupied and remained silent. She could tell by his quiet demeanor that he was lost in his own thoughts. It wasn't long before she yawned and fell asleep and didn't wake until she heard him call her.

"Wake up, Janna."

She sat up as he pulled into a parking lot and gates closed behind them.

"Where are we?"

"At the office."

"I slept that long?"

Instead of replying, he got out, clearly agitated, and opened her door. "Don't say anything to anyone, but Stefan. Sometimes you say too much, so take this warning seriously. Offer him no information unless he asks specifically for it." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "No matter what, you will always love me?" He looked at her, uncertain about her response.

"I love you, and nothing can change that." She kissed him.

He took her hand and led her to the building. As they entered, an armed doorman greeted him. "Trevor." He looked curiously at Trevor's guest.

"Craig," said Trevor. Craig was surprised by the response since Trevor never talked to him.

Trevor went to a small desk and picked up a name tag that said 'Visitor Janna' and pinned it on her dress. He took her hand again and headed for the stairs, but changed his mind and led her to an elevator. When they reached the fifth floor, he sat her down on a wooden bench in a hallway.

The Dimidiums Book One Bound by LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora