Start from the beginning

"Amar, come here and have your food. Don't even get on my nerves. Your food is getting cold and you don't like your food cold. Nobody in this house is going to make you another food..." A young lady with deep brown eyes came running down the stairs.

Hannah is the second daughter of Uncle Ibrahim and Aunt maina. She is Amar's mother. She took the role of the eldest after Sarah- the eldest died.

Hannah is one of a kind. She was extremely kind, funny and caring. She was that big sister that everyone wants in their life.

She knew exactly how to put her younger siblings- Farouq and Esha in their right places.

Leilah grinned and waved, " Yaya Hanany. How are you?"

Hannah hugged Leilah forgetting about her little boy who was giving her a hard time. Hannah looked at Leilah and couldn't believe how much of a young woman she blossomed into. The last time they had seen each other was probably before she left for London some years after she got married. But even among millions of people, Hannah would be able to spot Leilah. This was the little sister she had taken care of. Her Leilah who had grown into a nice young lady.

"Leilah, how nice to see you. You got me thinking you've forgotten about us. I thought the next time I will probably see you is when I get a wedding invitation. But I would have come looking for you myself to give you a taste of my own medicine..." Leilah felt embarrassed. She hadn't visited like she was supposed to. This was pretty much her other family. She missed them.

"Maama! Who is she?" Amar pointed his little fingers at Leilah. His forehead creaked in confusion. Like every other child, Amar wasn't fond of foreign faces.

Leilah crouched on her knees to be the same height at Amar. If there is anything Leilah loves- it's children. She extended her hand," I'm Leilah. "

"I don't shake hands with strangers," he shook his head.

"Amar!" Hannah reprimanded. Esha that was standing beside them giggled. Leilah couldn't help but giggle too.
Amar looked at them. He was confused because he didn't find the situation humorous.

How do you explain to a child that you aren't really a stranger? Well... maybe to them. But technically you aren't.

But of course Amar had no idea who she was.

"So how about we become friends so that we won't be strangers to each other," she spoke, amused by the situation. "My name is Leilah!"

"You have a pretty name...and you're pretty too. Would you be my best friend? I don't have any friends here."

"Of course I will. Nice meeting you Amar."

Aunt Maina, Hannah and Esha burst out in laughter behind them.

This is what family feels like. She sighed.

Leilah sighed as she stared around her new room. It was right next to Esha's'. They must have renovated it for her when they learned about her coming. It was exactly like she liked it, simple and classy.

The walls were painted cream, but not like the stuff poured in a coffee, it had a hue of beach sand there. The room was dimly lit by a vintage wall sconces that hung like an earring. The thick turquoise curtain hid the long windows across the walls hiding the view of the garden ahead. Two huge paintings accompanied the wall. A king-sized bed by the other end and a reading table beside. There were two doors which she assumed were leading to a walkin closet and the bathroom. The soft turquoise rug beneath her feet was lush and warm.

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