I started to laugh really hard, falling back into the couch and hitting the cushions with my hands. Harry stomps down stairs and glares at us.

"You guys are so bloody loud." He says.

"Sorry," I giggle.

"So," Harry says "What are we doing today?"

"I was thinking we could all walk around San Francisco today until we find somewhere good to eat. Then we can come back, swim a little, start a campfire when it starts to get darker, get drunk." Louis says.

"Sounds like a plan," Harry says, walking away.

"We're not even old enough to drink yet." I say and frown.

"You keep forgetting that I'm already eighteen." Louis says, laughing.

"And you keep forgetting we're in America," I say "How are you so sure that the legal drinking age back at London is the same drinking age here."

Louis shrugs "I know a guy."

"How do you know a guy?" I ask, utterly confused "You have barely been here for a week!"

"It's a long story," Louis shrugs "He'll be here later."


After walking around San Francisco and going to eat - Which, can I tell you, was not a fun experience for my ginger skin - we all went back to our place. Instead of going out to the ocean and swimming I stayed inside on my phone while scrolling through Tumblr in the living wrong while shifting around the couch to find a comfy spot. May I just say, Tumblr is a gift from the gods.

Louis walks into the house with his - usually tousled - wet hair swiped to the side and a towel wrapped around his shoulders.

"Drinks are coming," Louis says "And the gang is already working on the campfire."

I nod and got up from my couch. I walk outside and start to help out, after we finished gathering the wood they all went inside to take quick showers and change, leaving me outside all by myself. I didn't really mind being by myself, I like having a little bit of me time here and there. I was chilling on the porch on my phone when a guy with brown hair that was styled up into a quiff approached me, he was holding a box.

"Hey," He says, smiling "I'm guessing you're Emily."

"Yes?" I say, cautiously.

"Oh, I'm Josh by the way." He says, smiling sweetly.

"Hey, Josh, may I ask what you're doing here and how do you know me? Not to be rude or anything." I ask. I was a bit scared that this guy knew me, but I've never met him. Yet he seemed friendly.

"I got a message from Mr. Tomlinson asking for some alcohol," He said, with a sarcastic fancy voice.

"Josh!" Harry says, walking out to the door "You're here! Oh my god, I haven't talked to you in ages."

"I am so confused," I say "You knew Josh?"

"The boys and I all do," Harry says "We met him when he took a vacation to London."

"Oh." I say quietly.

"Gauges!" Lizzy screamed, pointing at Josh's stretched ears.

Josh and Harry look at Lizzy like she was some lunatic, I, on the other hand, have gone used to it over all the years of knowing her. We all soon settled around the campfire with marshmallows, chips, and beer.

"Here," Louis says, handing me a can of beer. I frown at him and reluctantly took it.

"You know I don't like drinking," I say, remembering that one time Louis told me to drink wine and spat it everywhere on his carpet. Or that time he made me try Vodka. Raw. No juice. I had the most horrid stomach ache.

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