CHAPTER 19 - The Lost Forest Part 1

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(Opening memo) "To live happily in life, one must not dwell upon its meaning. To find happiness, one has to experience and absorb the happiness around them, not hesitating upon every negative that they encounter, but to overcome them and keep on moving forward. Just take a look with wider eyes and broader minds, whatever you're searching for, it's certainly out there. Don't give up. "

"Hyooo!" A faint, soft female voice said.
"Mmm..." Shiho mumbled as he slept.
"Hyooooo, wake up sleepy head!" The female voice said louder and clearer.
Shiho's eyes opened up and stared at the person who woke him.
"What is it... its early...?" He said.
"Ehh... If we're gunna live together, we gotta stick together and work together to survive. Don't you remember? Geez, you're a total baka you know that?"
"Eh... Yeah Yeah, sorry... oh... Nir, where did Akito go?"
"Oh, that's right! He woke up early to go dig up some worms and go fishing afterwards."
"He just loves to fish to get away from the physical work around here... that lazy bum."
Shiho lied back down and closed his eyes. He opened them again to a loud thunder streak. The sky was crying. He was staring at the sky as two shady and blurry figures swayed around him. Voices muffled into the air as the figures struggled to wake Shiho. The voices slowly became clear and the images slowly revealed themselves.
"Shiho! Wake up! Please! You can't leave us yet!" Nir screamed crying at Shiho.
"Hey! Idiot! Wake up! Don't you dare leave us here!" Akito screamed.
"G... guys... what's going on?" Shiho weakly said as he noticed his voice muffled and spilt blood from the corner of his lips.
"Shiho!!!" The both yelled as the sky streaked with lightning.
"Shiho!" Hoshi said as he shook Shiho on his bed.
"Hoshi... What's going on?" Shiho said. He stood up in bed and noticed Hoshi and the other two, Moshi and Koro, sitting not too far away from him staring at him.
"You were crying and moaning in your sleep, so I woke you up." Hoshi said.
"Oh..." Shiho replied.
"Are you okay?" Angel asked.
"Sounded like a pretty bad nightmare." Koro said as he drank a cup of coffee.
"Oh, yeah... It's nothing big, just a dream." Shiho said.
"Are you gunna be okay though, I can make you a cup of tea if you would like?" Moshi asked.
"Y-yeah, I would like that very much, thank you." Shiho replied as he lied back down.
"Kay, right on it!" Moshi said.
"Don't put too much sugar in it this time!" Angel said.
"Shiho, do you want me to play you a piano song I made up?" Hoshi said.
"Sure thing." Shiho said.
Hoshi started to play a piano piece.
"I call it Forgive. Sort of inspired from your playing, but also dedicated to all my friends." Hoshi said.
"That's nice. Practicing everyday right?" Shiho asked.
"Yep, always!" Hoshi said.
"Uh guy, we're gunna need to go grocery shopping! Running low on eggs and ramen and veggies and rice too! Geez, what happened to all our food?" Angel said confused.
Koro and Moshi stared at Hoshi. Hoshi nervously laughed hesitatingly and looked at them back and to Shiho.
"Hey, I'm still new here and even I got it." Shiho said amusingly with a shrug.
"Hoshi... " Angel said staring at him with a piercing glare at the back of his head.
"Uh... h-hai?" Hoshi said.
"You're going shopping with me! Let's go!" Angel said as she dragged Hoshi off to the store.
"Ehhhh! But but but! We planned to go visit Rin and Kai and everyone else today!" Hoshi whined.
"Then consider not eating everything next time, besides, we have time for that later, now let's gooooo!" Angel said continuing dragging Hoshi out.
"Help me guys!" Hoshi whined.
"Your lost baka!" Koro said.
"I'm sorry Hoshiiii!" Moshi said amusingly.
"Good luck carrying all those baggage!" Koro exclaimed.
Shiho smiled and waved as he chuckled lightly.
"Traitors!!!" Hoshi dramatically cried out.
"Okay, here we are!" Angel said.
"Okay so what are we gunna start with?" Hoshi asked.
"okay just stay right there, im just going to go grab the stuffs!" Angel said.
"Oh okay-eh!?" Hoshi exclaimed. Angel disappeared and came back with loads of baggage. Hoshi carried them all. Angel went back and forth with bags and bags full of food and veggies to carry. Hoshi stood there like a statue as the bags all piled up into his arms.
"Hm hm hmmm!" Angel hummed to herself as she disappeared and re-appeared piling up bags onto Hoshi as he fell to the ground and covered completely.
"Do we even have enough money to pay for these?" Hoshi muffled from under the bags.
"Don't worry! You're gunna pay for it all for eating all the food back at home! Heehee!" Angel laughed.
While Hoshi rested poorly under all the bags with Angel going about gathering groceries... Jason and Cory walked by past them.
"Woah, I feel so bad for whoever's under that pile of groceries." Jason said.
"Pft. There's a leg sticking out, should we help?" Cory asked.
"Nah, leave them be, whoever's with him might drag us into carrying those if we do." Jason said.
"Haha, right! Oh, do we have enough time to go say good bye to Hoshi and them?" Cory asked.
"Mmm. Plane leaves in thirty minutes. I don't think we can spare a minute since it's rush hour right now." Jason said.
"Aw... I knew I should have woken up earlier." Cory said.
"I tried waking you up dummy." Jason said.
"yeah... sorry." Cory whined.
"Haha, yeah yeah, don't worry. I wrote them a letter and left it at our mail box for them to read. They'll understand." Jason said.
"Yeah... I'm going to miss them." Cory said.
"Me too Cory... Me too." Jason said as he ruffled his little brother's hair.
"Bwahh! I liiiiiiiive!" Hoshi exclaimed dramatically gasping for air. A bag tossed at his face.
"Come on now! Time to go pay up and head home!" Angel said.
"Finally! That took ages!" Hoshi said.
"Im still the same age." Angel said staring back at Hoshi blankly.
"You know what I mean!" Hoshi said.
"Heehee, c'mon baka!"
"Anyone wanna bet Hoshi didn't make it out alive with her?" Koro joked with a laugh.
"Pft, come on, don't joke around like that on poor little Hoshi." Moshi said.
"I'll bet on it." Shiho joked along.
"Oh come on, not you too!" Moshi said with a smile.
"You have to admit it Moshi, we all know Hoshi is a clumsy baka." Koro said.
"True yeah but-" Moshi said
"Ahh-Choo!" Hoshi sneezed carrying the bags over his back weakly.
"Bless you baka." Angel said.
"Bet's all in?" Koro said.
"You guys... *Sighs*" Moshi said.
"All in, Hoshi is gunna die. Hahaha!" Shiho said.
Moshi shakes his head.
All their money were put down on a table.
"AH-CHOO!" Hoshi sneezed and sniffled.
"Bless you my little one!" Angel said.
"Oh man... It's like someone won't stop talking about me behind my back." Hoshi said.
"Aaaaand we are home!" Angel exclaimed.
"Finally! Ahhhh im dead." Hoshi said as he fell to the floor with the bags.
"Aha! Weep em and lose em boys." Moshi said as he gathered the money.
"Dam. Thought he wouldn't make it back. Ah man, big loss this time!" Koro said.
"Our loss." Shiho said with a smile.
"Now don't eat all this food now, we gotta make it last baka." Angel said to Hoshi.
"Hai hai..." Hoshi said.
"And now we are off on an adventure! Hurrah!" Hoshi said with glee.
"Hold your horses, gotta pack some food and snacks for the trip baka." Angel said.
"Are we gunna travel by foot or car?" Shiho asked.
"Gotta be a man, so we will travel by foot!" Koro said.
"I don't mind." Moshi said.
"Car would be nice." Hoshi said with a blank disappointed face.
"You can pay for gas then." Angel said.
"Aaaand off we go! Adventure is AFOOT!" Hoshi said marching off.
"Hehe, oh Hoshi." Moshi said with a laugh.
The five of them walked off into the woods heading for the city. They planned to visit all their friends and introduce Shiho to each and every one of them.
"Who are we gunna visit first?" Moshi asked.
"Hmmm... Oh! Jason and Cory! They told me they were leaving out of country to go study abroad! Oh no... I think we may be too late." Hoshi said.
"Well... sorry but if only someone could've hurried faster with the groceries..." Angel said.
"You know, I don't know how you shop and all, but no one, I mean no one!" Hoshi said, "Ever shops like you do! It's so unusual!"
"Want to see me beat you up?" Angel said.
"On second thought, you're a special person who shops uniquely!" Hoshi said quickly.
"Why thank you, heehee." Angel said.
"Hey there's their house." Koro said.
"Hey, something's sticking out of their mailbox." Moshi said.
Hoshi went to take it out. It was for Hoshi. He opened the letter and read it.
Dear Hoshi and the gang,
Sorry we couldn't stay any longer or visit before we left for the airport. Someone just had to oversleep-
The letter had a few quick scribbles between sentences.
It's not my fault! I had homework to do and yeah! Any who, I'm really sorry Hoshi Sensei-
As I was saying, we sincerely apologize. We enjoyed the time we spent here, fighting alongside you, spending sleepovers and parties with you all, it was like a family we haven't had in a long while and we really loved it all. So thank you. We're gunna miss you guys. Please don't forget about us. We'll come back some day. So stay safe and we wish you all well!
Jason and Corey.
"Guess we were too late." Hoshi said.
"Im sorry man." Koro said.
"It's okay, they'll return someday. Let's continue on!" Hoshi cheered on.
"Baka Rin and Kai are next!" Moshi said.
Hoshi walked along with the gang and stared at Koro.
"Koro... what is it like to be tallest out of the rest of us?" Hoshi asked.
"Huh? Oh... Uh... I don't know... I guess I could say... I'm a giant and you guys are my minions! HAHAHA!" Koro joked.
"Seriously?" Hoshi asked.
"Being tall is like amazing! You can catch balls first in the air, you can reach higher places, you can stand tall and proud man!" Koro said.
"Don't get too cocky idiot." Moshi said in a friendly way.
"Hmmm, okay, so they said to meet them up at this soccer field..." Hoshi said looking at his phone.
"Incoming!" kai shouted.
A soccer ball came shooting straight at the gang. Time slowed down to a pause.
"And at times like this... We knew he had already fucked up since birth." Moshi said.
"Oh how I am so happy that I'm a shorty." Angel said holding her hands together into a smile.
"Huh... oh look a quarter!" Hoshi said bending down to pick it up.
"Wait... why do I feel like I've been played-" Koro said as time suddenly resumed, "PlAHAHAAYOOOOO!" Koro shouted as the ball hit his head and sent him flying, separated from the group.
"Oh man... I am so sorry!" Kai said.
"Kai... you sent him flying more than ten feet away across from the soccer field..." Rin said walking up to the group.
"It's okay, he'll be fine. That'll give us a bit of "Quiet koro" time." Moshi said.
"You guys remember Shiho right?" Angel said.
"Shiho this is them, them this is Shiho." Hoshi said smiling.
Shiho stuck a hand out to Rin and Kai and shook their hands.
"Well. Hello there them." Shiho said.
"Pfft, Im Kai." Kai said.
"Rin here." Rin said.
"Haha, I remember." Shiho said.
"Okay! So now that we're all here, let's all sit down and take a breather." Kai said.
"Must have been a long walk here." Rin said.
"Ghost hunt!" Kai shouted.
"Ghost hunt?" the gang repeated in confusion.
"Well, it's the best adventure yet!" Kai said.
"Sounds awesome..." Hoshi said with excitement.
"Sounds cool." Shiho said.
"How exactly are we going to find these ghosts and where are we going to?" Koro said.
"There's this place called the Lost Forest. It's all filled with evergreens and fog. Fog so thick you cant tell which way you're going most of the time." Rin said.
"It's on the other side of town. Rumors say that three children were killed in the forest by a group of bandits and were left to rot there. Ever since then, the children's ghosts roam the forest seeking to let out their revenge on any living human being who crosses into the forest." Kai said.
"So awesome..." Hoshi said shaking with excitement.
"You're shaking... scared to death you baka." Koro said to Hoshi.
"Lost forest hm?" Shiho said.
Secretly, Shiho was familiar with that place.
"Alrighty then! What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Angel shouted.
Lost Forests. Scare the heck out of them. I'll be with them. Don't get caught.
The sun was setting as they arrived at the Lost Forests. Fog emitted out from the forest.
"Well... Here we are." Koro said.
"Lost Forests. Descriptions were right on the spot." Shiho said.
"It's... scary looking... Im so ready!" Angel said.
"Let's get to it, do it!" Moshi said.
The seven of them headed into the forest as the night approached.
"Did anybody bring flashlights?" Rin asked.
"Yeah, I got enough for all of us." Kai said as they took them out for everyone from their pack.
"Great! Thanks baka kai." Hoshi said.
"Now we can see in this dark foggy place." Koro said.
The group continued to walk and eventually got separated.
"Hey! Ghosts!" Kai shouted.
"Hey, where's the rest of the group?" Rin asked as the two turned behind and found that the other five had disappeared.
"They were right behind us." Kai said.
From behind a tree a dark figure lurked. It's dark hands slowly reached for Rin and Kai quietly.
"What... Where could they have gone off to?" Kai said.
"Boo!" Shiho shouted from behind them.
"Oh Shit mate!" Kai exclaimed.
"FUCK!" Rin shouted.
The two fell down on their behind as Shiho laughed to himself.
"Oh man! You guys should've seen the look on your faces! I am so sorry! I couldn't resist!" Shiho said still laughing.
"Fuck, scared the shit out of me." Rin said.
"You're so lucky I didn't kick your face." Kai said.
"Im so sorry, here, let me help you guys up." Shiho said as he offered and helped the two up from the ground.
"You haven't by any chance seen the other four have you?" Kai asked.
"No sorry, I guess this place isn't called the Lost Forest for nothing right?" Shiho said.
"Yeah, guess so." Rin said.
"Huh ... where did everyone go?" Hoshi said as he turned around to look for the rest of his group.
"Shh shh shh! He's gunna spot us! Quiet down!" Koro said.
"Alright go!" Moshi said.
"Ghosts... uh... Show thyself!" Hoshi said pointing randomly at a tree. He paused for a few seconds.
"On second thought don't because... if you do I'd probably die." Hoshi said with regret and frightened.
"keekeekeekee..." A eerie voice laughed.
"Hoshi stared straight ahead and saw a dark figure in the distance. He couldn't make out the details of the figure because of the fog, but he could see it had long hair and red eyes.
"Who are you?...Wait... I said don't come out! What part of don't come out did you not understand?" Hoshi said.
"Keekeekeekeekeekee" it laughed again as it approached slowly.
"Wait, does Angel had red eyes?" Moshi said.
"I don't think so." Koro said as the two stared at them.
"Wait guys, I forgot my lines, what were they?" Angel said behind them.
"Wait... If you're here and that person is there..." the three turned to look at Hoshi and the monster.
"Guys, this isn't funny. You know I go back and forth on Ghosts... but this one seems a bit too real and its scaring me so im just gunna... slowly step back... and..." Hoshi said as he stepped back slowly. The monster had a creepy smile and suddenly swung its arms at Hoshi that appeared to be a long sword of some type.
"I got it!" Koro stopped the attack.
"Hoshi, we got ya." Moshi said.
"Guys, what is this thing?" Angel said. The monster parried the hold and kicked Koro out of the way and rushed towards Hoshi. Moshi stepped in front of it and threw a punch. It dodged and grabbed Moshi and tossed him behind Hoshi and Angel.
"Angel power!" Angel shouted and shined a light at it. The light shined at its shady face and the monster stuttered and covered its face. It faintly screeched and turned to the forest and disappeared.
"I didn't expect that to work." Angel said looking at her flashlight blankly.
"AMAZINGGGGG!" Hoshi said. "You were like hyah and then wah! And then like SHIIING BOOM!"
"What are you even saying?" Koro said as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Ouch... Well, it can make physical contact and definitely is strong." Moshi said. The four grouped up together by the side of a mountain they've encountered and made a fire there.
"Good thing I brought items to help." Angel said.
"Yeah, lucky, thanks Angel." Koro said.
"Wonder how the other three are doing." Moshi said.
"The fog sure is thick..." Rin said.
"Yeah no kidding... rumors were true indeed." Kai said.
"Let's be careful guys." Shiho said.
"Hoshiiii!" Kai shouted.
"Koroooo, Angelll!" Rin shouted.
The bushes started to rattle. It took Kai and Rin's attention.
"Please tell us that isn't you Shiho." Kai said.
"Im right here behind you guys... so not me." Shiho said.
"Come out!" Rin said.
The figure jumped out from the bush and dashed straight at them.
"Here it comes!" Kai said. The figure then sunk into the ground.
"It disappeared into the ground!" Rin said. The ground then morphed and locked Kai and Shiho and Rin onto the ground and hardened into clay.
"What the?" Kai said.
"Earth bending?" Rin said.
"Look again! There are two of them now!" Shiho said.
One of the figures was a skinny male looking monster, the other was a larger wider creature with a club.
"Oh no... this isn't good." Rin said.
"So much for the ghosts of the forests..." Kai said. Koro smiled.
The End

VOLUME 2: The Unexpected Extraordinary Life! Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz