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(Opening memo) "To live happily in life, one must not dwell upon its meaning. To find happiness, one has to experience and absorb the happiness around them, not hesitating upon every negative that they encounter, but to overcome them and keep on moving forward. Just take a look with wider eyes and broader minds, whatever you're searching for, it's certainly out there. Don't give up. "

"Everyone... please... help me. I don't want to die. I really don't want to." Hoshi said crying.
Angel gasped suddenly quietly. She heard Hoshi's voice.
"Hoshi." She said looking around.
"Huh? What is it Angels?" Koro said.
"I heard Hoshi's voice. Faintly, but I heard him." Angel said.
"What? How? Where is he?" Moshi said as he stopped crying.
"I don't know exactly how but I heard him, I definitely heard him!" Angel said.
"Wait what? He's still alive then?!" Rin said.
"I don't know. But if I can hear his voice then he's gotta be!" Angel said.
"But you guys saw it! You all saw it! Hoshi bled. He stabbed his heart. He cant be alive from something like that, no one can." Kai said.
"To hell with that. It beats moping here than doing nothing. Hoshi would've done the same for us as he always had." Koro said.
"Right... He's too pure... Why does the pure one always has to die. Yeah... Let's look for him. We're coming Hoshi." Kai said.
Everyone separated into separate groups. Moshi, Koro and Angel formed a group. Kaito, Rin and Vince made their group. They all separated into different part of the city in search of Hoshi.
"Do you know where Hoshi may be exactly Angel?" Koro asked Angel.
"Im not completely sure... All I heard was his voice." Angel replied.
"If you're able to hear his voice, maybe he is still alive. Somewhere." Moshi said.
"I hope so... Im really worried." Angel said.
"Where do you guys think Hoshi may be? I mean... He did die... right in front of our eyes." Koro said.
Angel walked a bit slower than the two. Koro and Moshi noticed and paused looking back at her.
"You okay Angel?..." Koro asked.
"Eh? Oh, Im fine." Angel said.
She caught with the rest and continued their search.
"Any ideas where we're going guys?" Koro asked.
They all paused for a second. They all looked baffled.
"Not sure... Angel, You still hear Hoshi's voice?" Moshi asked.
"No... Not now... not anymore..." Angel said.
"How did you hear him in the first place? Do you have some kind of ability like the rest of the group or something?" Koro asked curiously.
"Im not sure... At least... not that I know of." Angel said worriedly.
"Hmmm. The only ways possible that Angel could be possibly connected to and be able to hear Hoshi's voice are if they're twins or are telepathically connected." Moshi said.
"Yeah... But they cant be twins. They hardly look alike. So that leads to the second possibility." Koro said.
"Telepathically connected. This ability is only possible if two people are strongly bonded. They are able to sense and share one's mind and emotions through telepathy, psychic images and sensing one another's psychological status." Moshi said.
"But you're psychic Moshi. Cant you do any of those to connect with Hoshi?" Koro asked.
"You're psychic?" Angel asked.
"Y-yeah... but I only just found out about my powers not too long ago. I'm still learning how to fully control it. I can only read minds at the moment. Only if the targeted person is within my range of view." Moshi said.
"Ehhh... I see. This is gunna be a hassle." Koro complained.
"Anyways... If you're the person who can hear Hoshi, you're our only hope at the moment." Moshi said.
"Eh... Well... I heard his voice this morning... and right before we split up. Those were the only two times." Angel said.
"Well, if you don't mind me asking. What is your relation to Hoshi?" Moshi asked.
"Well... I was Hoshi's first best friend. I wasn't his first best friend, but to him, I was, his first true best friend. We first met when he dated Ceru." Angel said.
"Wait, Ceru?" Koro said.
"Yes. Ceru. Three months ago when they broke up. I was there for him. Of course we were just friends way before then. I was Ceru's friend as well. When they broke up I couldn't sit there while Hoshi cried in pain. He smiled of course. But I knew him. He wasn't smiling. So I talked to him. As time flew by, we grew together side by side. Slowly he would start to forget about the pain. Every now and then he would remember and let the past catch up to him. And that's where I would be there for him. And whenever I'm down, he would be there for me as well." Angel said.
"Ehh... You two are quite close." Koro said.
"Hoshi's a baka as usual." Moshi said with a smile.
"Yeah... What are your guys relation to Hoshi? " Angel said.
"Well, Hoshi found me when I was being hunted by Koro here." Moshi said humorously.
"Ehhh, no need to remind me of that. Tch... Hoshi and Moshi turned me around after I was hunting for Moshi. Ever since that day we three became close friends. Almost like family, in fact we live in a secret base in a forest." Koro said smiling." Koro said smiling.
"Wow. I see. Hoshi's still the same as ever. Hehehe." Angel smiled.
"You're guys strong bond may be the key to why you're able to hear him." Moshi said.
"Eh?... Im not sure about that heh." Angel said.
"Try focusing again. When one doesn't believe in themselves, things don't go as plan. Besides, nothing's impossible." Moshi said.
"Okay I'll try..." Angel said as she closed her eyes.
"Masa? You there?" Hoshi said.
"What is it now?" Full masa asked.
"How long has it been since we've been... uh... here?"
"You mean how long since we've been dead? I don't know. Does it look like I have a watch?"
"Just asking..."
"I was so close to being released. So close."
"I said I was surry..."
"Surry? Hahaha, you're such a child... "
"Well I cant help it..."
"Well you should, 19 years old and still acting like a child. No wonder you're always getting hurt."
"Shush!... Baka... Why did you help me?"
"Help? I wouldn't put it that way."
"But still... You helped my friends. You stopped Leon from causing any further trouble. And you saved me in a way."
"I... I guess..."
"You're really not a bad person after all heheh."
"Don't get too cocky now. Im better than you in a lot of ways. So know your place kid."
"Eh... Cmon now... don't be like that. Youre really a good person. You cant be all that bad. You have some good in you."
"Ha. Im more like a demon per say. A monster. The devil."
"Heh. You just wont admit it huh? You've no place to belong except with me, in my body, you clearly don't even know who you are don't you? Mysterious power you have, but you're no demon or monster, that I can say."
"Im a demon. That's that. Now shut up kid. You're getting on my nerves."
"yes yes, fine. Be that way baka. Heheh."
"Anything?" Koro asked Angel.
"Sorry... nothing." Angel said.
"Eeeh... Where can Hoshi be?" Moshi said.
"We can ask people around here if they've seen him. Better than nothing." Koro asked.
"Right. Let's do that." Moshi said.
"Mm." Angel nodded.
Few hours went by as they asked around the city for Hoshi's where about. Not a trace of Hoshi was to be found.
"Anything guys?" Koro asked.
"Mm. Nothing." Moshi said.
"Empty handed here." Angel said. "Hoshi... Where the hell are you?"
Angel's last sentence echoed softly as the scene turned black. The darkness of the scene opened its eyes blinking a couple times. Someone's eyes opened from the reaction of hearing Angel's words.
His eyes closed again and passes out.
Somewhere in a small little hut, three people argue.
"Im tired of living like this!"
"Im tired of it too okay?"
"Relax, we'll get out of this situation soon enough, we just have to steal some more money for a bit longer."
That someone opened his eyes again overhearing those conversations.
"Oh look. He's awake."
"Oh, hey, how're ya feeling?
"..." The someone looked at them.
"Can't talk?" The girl said.
The someone pretended to go back to sleep. He closed his eyes slowly and drifted back down onto the bed that seemed to be a raggedy torn couch.
"Think he's still tired."
"Yeah. Anyways. How much more do we need to get man?"
"More than 5000$."
"How are we gunna steal that much? I mean we keep some of the money just to keep us alive."
"It's bad enough we got the popos on our ass."
"Hahaha. Living life on the edge."
"Oh shut up Daryl. We're gunna keep this up. We have to if we wanna keep living."
"You shut up Jin. Hahaha." Daryl said.
"Alright, so you guys cool now? Daryl? Ax?" Jin said.
"Look why don't we check on this guy at least? Maybe he has some cash. Takes a small load off of us." Ax said.
"He's just a kid. He's probably just like us. Out on his own. We cant do that to our kind." Jin said.
"Right right."
The someone quietly moved his hands about his sides of his pockets feeling for his wallet and phone. They were still there. He laid there with his eyes closed overhearing their conversation. He then sat up slowly holding his wallet towards them.
"Huh?" Daryl said.
"What're you doing kid?" Jin said.
The kid looked up at them.
"Im actually not a kid."
"Think we should call it a day?" Koro said.
"It's been more than 8 hours..." Moshi said.
"But Hoshi's still out there. He's scared and he needs us..." Angel said.
"It's the weekend. We have two more days until you go back to school, so you better rest up Angel." Moshi said.
"Yeah just two more days... Feels like two more hours... " Angel said.
"Hey come on. Let's get some rest. We have plenty of time to find him." Koro said.
"But I have to keep on going. I cant give up yet. Hoshi wouldn't give up on us." Angel started to tear.
"Look. You're young and your parents are probably worried sick about you being out late." Koro said.
"Well what about Hoshi's parents?! Do they know where he is? Do they know he died?!" Angel screamed.
"We know that he doesn't like his family all that well. And knowing you, you know that too. So that doesn't really matter to Hoshi." Koro said.
"Besides, we're his family now. And Hoshi wouldn't want us to be out late sacrificing all our energy. It'll be okay Angel. We'll find him. You heard his voice. That gives us hope that he's still alive, remember?" Moshi smiled.
"I guess..." Angel said.
"He is Hoshi the Unexpected." Moshi said smiling.
"Come on now. Home we go." Koro said.
"So you can talk. Hahaha. " Daryl said laughing.
"Why?" Jin said.
"Just take it. There's more than enough to help you guys. My credit card is there too. My pin number is written on the wallet inside." The kid said.
"You don't even know us kid." Ax said.
"Jin, Daryl and Ax. You need money. I know." The kid said.
"You don't have to." Jin said.
"It's not much. Just burn up my card and wallet after you're all done." The kid said.
"Thanks." Jin said.
"Well will you look at that. The unexpected happened and now we can finally be free. Hahaha. What a day." Daryl said as he drunk the rest of his orange juice from a can.
The kid tried to get up but he stumbled back down in pain holding his chest.
"Woah, careful kid. You got a wound in the middle of your chest. It was quite a large wound but somehow we manage to cover it up. Surprise you're still alive." Ax said.
"Hurts like hell..." The kid said.
"Stay in bed. We're gunna go get the cash and deliver it before nightfall." Ax said.
They all prepared to leave. They all exited the door of the little hut. Jin turned back around.
"Thanks... you didn't have to. But thanks... so much. There's some food and water on the table beside you there... Rest up. We'll be back soon." Jin said.
"Right... You're welcome." The kid said.
Few hours later.
"They should be back by now..." The kid said.
He sat up. He noticed the pain disappeared slightly. He stumbled a bit sitting up. He drank the rest of his water. He lifted his shirt to examine the wound.
"Wonder how I got this."
He touched it. He stumbled in pain.
"Ehteh... Still hurts. They took care of me. Im a total stranger. And they didn't steal anything from me when they found me. They're good people." The kid said smiling.
The three came back.
"Oh my god. I can't believe it. We're finally free!" Daryl said.
"We took out how much we needed, I think you still have some money left over, so here's your wallet and credit card. Thanks... again. You don't know how much you helped us out." Jin said.
"You're okay in my book kid." Ax said.
"Eh... It's no problem at all... really." The kid said.
"Here, we got you a mask we could afford with our own money left over. It's not much but it's something for helping us. Heheh." Jin said.
"They live here."
"Good. Now get them."
"With pleasure."
"Knock Knock."
"Huh? Who's there?" Jin asked.
Jin, Ax, and Daryl exited the hut.
"Boss? What are you doing here?" Ax asked.
"Nothing personal. It's just business." Boss said.
Three guards held metal bats. Behind them stood a big buffed man in a black dress suit.
"Guys?..." The kid went out to check on them taking the mask with him.
Three bodies lay down in front of him. Three guards wipe their bat off from the blood. The Boss stood behind them.
"Oh? And who may you be?" Boss said.
The kid's eyes widened open. He clenched his fist staring at the three lifeless bodies.
"Oh? Cant speak?" Boss said.
"Why?..." He asked.
"Oh ho! So he does speak!" Boss said.
"Want us to eliminate this kid too?" One of the guards said.
"Sure thing. Don't need any witnesses to report this." Boss said.
"Wait. You didn't answer my question. Why?..." The kid asked still clenching his fist.
"Pfft a kid like you wouldn't understand. Tell me, what's your name kiddo? I'll make sure your parents find your body afterwards." Boss said.
The kid put his mask on and adjusted it on his face. His eyes lit bright red as he looked at the murderers.
"I'm actually not a kid. I am... Shiho."

VOLUME 2: The Unexpected Extraordinary Life! Where stories live. Discover now