everything except....

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"Hey baby how was your day at school"my mom says as I buckled up my seatbelt

"Great"I lied with a fake smile

"You got any new friends,new boy frien-"I cut my mom once I realized what she was saying

"Yes,and no I'm still with G "I say

"I'm gonna keep saying this I don't like that Ginuwee boy . he's up to something he always rush you off the phone like he's got something to hide "she says driving

"Its ginuwine and mom he's starting a singing career ,I must understand how busy he is " I say

And all she responds with is 'mhm' ,I hope she understands cause he would never do anything to hurt me,we love each other .

The rest of the car ride was silent ,we pull up to our house and I unbuckle my seat belt and grab my black backpack ,I step onto the concrete with my fresh white Nike air force 1's and begin walking ,I then hear someone calling my name

"Aaliyah !Liyah" someone says and I turn around and notice its Lisa
I then turn to my mom

"Ill be in Ina sec k ?" I say and she responds with a nod ,I head my way across the street to Lisa house where she was at

"Wassup girl " I say with my hands in my pocket

"Tonight everybody going to jellybeans,usually everyone go on the first day of school basically its a welcome back celebration,its up the street we can walk ,you down ?" she says  

"oh yea girl ,what time ?" I say

"8 to 11 " she says

"Ight imma call you bout 7:45 "I say slowly starting to walk back

"Okay girl " she says

"Bye hunny bunn"she says then I bust out in laughter

"You a fool,bye Lisa "she says as we both turn around heading for our doors .

I get to my doorstep and turn the doorknob and walk in ,then I drop my backpack and kick off my shoes

"Uh-uh"she says walking out with a bowl sitting it on the dinning room table as she pulls the seat from under the dining room table and sits down

I just pick up my shoes and backpack and run upstairs to my room and set them in my walk in closet . I then run back downstairs into the dinning room seeing that my mom is eating a salad while reading a newspaper with her glasses .

I creep up behind her and start rubbing her shoulders trying to seduce her

"Mom that salad looks good "I say putting my head in the crouch of her neck .

"Aaliyah ,what do you want "she says with her elbow rested on the table still looking at the news paper

"What makes you think I want something" I say looking at her with my hands froze on her shoulder

"Because when do you ever rub my shoulders ,I know my child so what you want ?" She says with her eyes above her glasses looking at Me

I slowly sat down in the chair diagonally across from her

"Well..."I started "all my new friends going to the roller rink up the street and I was invited "I say slowly

"So you askin to go or what ?"she says motioning her hands

"Yes "I say ,for a moment it was silent
I know why she is debating because we just moved here and she really dosent know her way around here or anybody here ,if we was still in Detroit she would say yes in a heartbeat

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