first day of school pt.1

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"Liyah get up its time for school" I heard my mom yell from outside of my door .

I looked at the clock seeing that it was 5:50am . I groaned and flipped my feet over  touching the cold wooden floor with my bare feet, I stretched and yawned then finally rose up out the bed and drug my feet across the floor to open my door . I heard my mom in her room talking on the phone as I walked pass to get a bar of soap out the cabinet . well today is gonna be a long day I think to my self as I walk in my bathroom turning on the water waiting for it to get hot . I slipped out my clothes putting on my shower cap over my freshly flat ironed hair ,I then step in the shower and began my day .

30 minutes later

I walked in my walk in closet with my towel wrapped around my small frame .

"Hmm what should I wear today "I tapped my chin as I looked on the ground with clothes thrown everywhere ,

these last 2 days we have unpacked alot ,its still a couple more things we need to unpack , but its almost there , I settle with a white crop top,with tommy Hilfiger under garment and some baggy jeans with some timbs and a red jacket , I pick up the clothes I picked out and throw it On my bed and I began to put my clothes on ,after I was done putting my outfit on ,I checked my self out in the mirror ,I look pretty good . I began to comb out my hair into the style I wanted it , I settled with my straight hair and a side bang . I was to busy admiring my look I didn't even notice my mother coming in

"Ooooo Liyah I like it " my mom says with her hand on her hip

"You do?"I sag looking down at my whole outfit

"Hold on I'll be right back "my mom says leaving out the room

I look in the mirror applying some reddish burgundy lipstick on my lips and then my mom come from behind and puts some shades on my face.

"Now that's what I'm talking about " she says making the "that" pop out

"Oh yea Mom I dig this "I say smililng

"Come on girl school starts at 7am and its 6:30,you have just enough time to get a bowl of cereal and head out "she says as we both head out my room .

I go downstairs and pick up the box of honey smackers,which was my favorite cereal , I pour me a bowl of cereal and  pour some milk in the bowl and I get a cup of orange juice and I sit down on the couch scanning for something to watch ,just then martin caught my eye and I stopped scanning and watched that until I was finished with my cereal , I made a couple laughs and took a couple sips of my drink

"Baby its 6:50 let's go " my Mom says as I hear her car keys jiggle

I shot up from the couch and put my bowl in the sink and grabbed my bag and walked out . here goes nothing ....


"Q!!" I yell at the window

This nigga bout to have us late for school ,we was always late last year ,and I can't afford to miss as much school as I did last year,and plus its the first day of school ,oh hell nah. I picked up a branch and threw it his window.
Just a couple seconds  later his window slid up and his head shot out .

"Nigga would you chill that shit out,you gone wake my moms,I'm almost ready damn!" he says in a semi yell

"You coulda said that shit nigga " I say semi yelling back

"Man" he says smacking his lips then shutting his window ,

I just sighed and scratched my head and leant against the wall ,i live under Q and our other nigga raheem live across the street from us, its kinda dope ,just a few seconds I see Q jogging towards me .

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