Westhaven Revisited Pt 3--The Wild Week

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***Okay, hi, hello and welcome to Part 3. Thank you so much for coming along with me on this return to one of my favorite stories to ever write. I was going to say that things will return to normal after this one, but what even is normal around here? I may take a little break and come back for Future Friends Part 2, or I may be back in a few days because our boys did something newsworthy. Who knows. Regardless, thank you as always for your endless support. I couldn't do it without you and certainly wouldn't want to.

This part is for Jonna and her crew of loyal Pomegranates. A part of me has always wanted to come back and do this, so I'm so grateful for the push, and I hope it lives up to expectations. Love you all!***


"Do you really think I have to be told to make it good?" Alex said, his tone delightfully arrogant. Mitch, still in his post-orgasmic haze, gave a little giggle, but then he could feel the slight wrongness to this situation. He cared a great deal for Alex, but naked cuddling was a bit too far.

"I think we should get dressed," he said abruptly.

For a split second, Alex's eyes registered a tiny spark of defensive hurt, but then he seemed to snap out of it as well. This had been a one-time-only experiment, just a bargain made between friends, and though he'd actually already done most of the work, it was still on him to hold up his end of the deal. He squared his shoulders and nodded, reaching for his discarded clothing.

Mitch did the same, trying to see around the odd detached feeling in his muscles. Everything felt slightly dislocated...not painful exactly, but not quite right. When he and Alex were both back in their shirts and shorts, it felt a bit easier to breathe, as though the room had been running low on oxygen there for a while.

"Better?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," Mitch replied. "Sorry..."

"No, don't be. You're totally right. This will be much easier to tell without...distractions."

Mitch grinned, slightly flattered by that, but mostly relieved. He hopped up and fixed them both drinks, and by the time he sat back down on the couch next to Alex, things felt much more normal.

"I'm not sure where I should start," Alex admitted.

"At the damn beginning!" Mitch insisted and Alex laughed.

"Alright," he said, clearing his throat. "I came to the palace in the winter, one of the mildest winters Havenheart had ever seen. Barely a flake of snow. But absolute gallons of rain. Scott found me painting in the village one of the very few days it wasn't a total downpour, and we hit it off right away. He bought a bunch of my art, and raved over my photographs, and the next thing I knew, I had a job as the royal photographer and he was moving me into the palace. It was like a dream, that's the only way I can describe it. I fell in love with Scott instantly and having access to him the way I did...it was perfect.

"Back then I was with Scott from Saturday to Monday, and Avi had him Tuesday through Thursday. Fridays he spent with his mother, scouring the continent for a bride that wouldn't run the second she realized what she would be getting into. It wasn't an easy task, and by the time I got there, they'd found a girl from Meravia that seemed worth meeting.

"Despite all of that pressure, Scott was insatiable, as you surely know. He didn't come across as an addict exactly, but he was impossible to wear out, and I wasn't exactly gentle with him. I remember asking him early on if he ever wanted a threesome. I'd seen Avi around of course, and I thought he was very handsome. Scott seemed really confused by the idea, and that's when I realized that it wasn't just about sex for him. He connected to each of us in such a separate way. Putting us both together didn't really make a lot of sense for him.

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