🔎Chapter 11🔍

Start from the beginning

"Not bad," Sherlock complimented.

"What the bloody hell are you doing to my wall?" Mrs. Hudson screeched, storming into the apartment and looking at the wall, "Are those my silver knives? First a gun and now knives?"

"Sherlock dared me to!" (Y/n) pointed at Sherlock, ratting him out like a little kid would.

"Look, I'm glad that the two are together. Sherlock, I was quite shocked it was a woman, but please, leave the wall out of whatever relationship fight you're having!" Mrs. Hudson pulled the knives out of the wall and waved them threateningly.

"Oh no we aren't-"

"Just put it on the rent Mrs. Hudson," Sherlock waved his hand dismissively, cutting (Y/n) off. Mrs. Hudson shook her head, muttering under her breath as she left the apartment, slamming the door behind her.

"Surprised it was a girl?" (Y/n) asked with a laugh as soon as she left, "And you didn't let me tell her that we weren't together."

Not that (Y/n) was complaining about Sherlock cutting her off before she could say they weren't a couple. While Sam was a fangirl around Sherlock, (Y/n) was attracted to him. Seeing as how she was able to deduce as well, she knew what to do to stop Sherlock from deducing her attraction, avoiding eye contact to hide dilated pupils, avoiding wrist contact for the pulse. Knowing the simple difference between flirting and simple talking.

Her and Sherlock clashed like ice and fire. They were nearly polar opposites, but they still had similarities. People hated the both of them, they were both misunderstood, and could easily harm someone. They both had mysterious pasts and the ability to deduce, they were both cold at times, and snarky at others. They went against each other, trying to outdo the other, which ended in them working together.

Who wouldn't be attracted to Sherlock in all honesty. He had the grace, beauty, and knowledge of an angel. But he had the mysteriousness, attitude, and the dangerous feeling of a demon. And that was a lot coming from a hunter like (Y/n), she knew both of them personally.

"I have never doubted myself, doubted anything I have ever said, before now." (Y/n) was brought out of her daze as Sherlock spoke, she resisted the urge to take a step back, realizing now just how close to each other they were, "I once said that sentiment is weakness. Then I met John, and he was my exception. I knew it could never happen again, weakness isn't tolerable. Then I met you. The girl who could deduce, who hunted the monsters children feared, who didn't fear anything but herself."


"Why do I feel around you?" Sherlock asked, more himself than (Y/n), "Why do we work so well together? Why do I question myself? Why do you challenge my mind, my soul, whatever heart I have?"

"We're fire and ice Sherlock Holmes," (Y/n) whispered.

"I'm not sure if I like this feeling," Sherlock muttered, grabbing (Y/n)'s waist and pulling her ever so slightly closer. "The need to be near and protect you, that's weakness."

"Everyone has weaknesses," (Y/n) assured, "It's what keeps you alive."

"I suppose it is," Sherlock leaned down closer to (Y/n), his breath ghosting over her lips, "Is that how you've survived this long (Y/n) Winchester, for you weaknesses?"

"For my family," (Y/n) confirmed, "I think I need to add another weakness to that list."

"And that would be?"

"Deduce it." (Y/n) smirked.

She placed one hand on Sherlock's chest, the other reaching for one of his hands on her waist. She moved it up to the air, holding hers about an inch away. This was the start of the anticipation. Both of them were nearly kissing, their lips ghosting each other. Their hands were nearly touching, their fingers nearly laced, grazing each other.

(Y/n) had never felt more alive than at this moment. She and Sherlock really were fire and ice. Where the space between them was steaming from both their heat and their cold.

This was a moment where (Y/n) was melting ice. Cold becoming warm. A protected shell of a person, with trust so hard to gain, putting everything on the line. A woman who was always so guarded, putting everything on the line. A woman so strong, becoming so weak, at the hands of this fire.

This was a moment where Sherlock was a cooling fire. Something uncontrolled becoming tranquil. A man who refused to be anything but destruction becoming something more. A man who was full of suppressed feelings, letting them out in a beautiful way. A man showing he was more than what he was thought to be.

"I'm your weakness."

Sherlock laced his fingers through (Y/n)'s. Crashing his lips to hers. It was a feeling nearly indescribable. The fire and ice in both of them collided in a beauty that seemed blinding. They were two opposites, two compatible beings, creating something monumental.

(Y/n) noted that Sherlock tasted faintly of tea and biscuits. Sherlock noted that (Y/n) tasted like coffee and tea mixed together.

Their right hands stayed tightly clasped together to the side of them as their left hands found comfortable places on the other person. Sherlock behind (Y/n)'s neck, and (Y/n) on Sherlock's shoulder.

The two of them pulled apart hesitantly, slowly, ignoring the need for air in an attempt to stat near each other, to keep whatever they felt, there.

"Is that what sentiment feels like?" Sherlock asked.

"No, that was, that was different. That was everything."

"Everything?" Sherlock questioned.

"It was beautiful," (Y/n) clarified, "It was more than sentiment. What do you think?"

"I think I have another weakness," Sherlock squeezed (Y/n)'s hand, "And I'm okay with it. Because having you as a weakness, feels right, (Y/n) Winchester."

"What does this mean?"

"Neither of us have done this before," Sherlock deduced, "We'll figure it out as we go, won't we then?"

"I suppose we will Sherlock Holmes. First step, don't tell Sam and Dean yet, because Dean will not stop himself from shooting you anymore."

"Oh Sherlock, you really aren't gay!" Mrs. Hudson ran in happily, hugging the both of us before running back out, presumably to call everyone and tell.

"I'll get the drugs," Sherlock said immediantly.

"I'll get the tea. She'll think she dreamed it. I was teaching you this whole time."

"Well you were teaching me,  not about the supernatural."

"Don't mention that either Sherlock."

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