"True experiences?" I ask, with a smile. "What kind of experiences are those?"

"Well, for one, theres getting a pint in a run of the mill pub, which I'm sure you've done with others though."

"A pub? No. I haven't. I really only went to The Fountain. I didn't go out all that much when we were separated."

"Arnold only took you to fancy places then?"

I raise my brows. "You want to open that can of worms again?"

"Considering the fact that he was here the other day and you didn't mention it...?" he utters, wiping his hands on his jeans nonchalantly. I stare at him, surprised he would know. I should have known he'd be watching.

I breathe in, crossing my legs. "Well, if you know about Arnold, who I did not invite, I'm guessing you know about Annabelle."


"That's rather sneaky of you."

"Ditto, baby."

I squint, looking down. "You know there's nothing there."

"I do. But it doesn't change the fact that you dileberately kept it from me."

I cross my arms. "Henry, I wasn't going to bother you with those things. They were insignificant. You don't see me questioning your every move. I could have asked what important errands you ran this morning, especially when I heard the doctor's voice message on our machine about the files of mine that he's sending to you."

He sighs, looking up at the sky, dropping his gloves on the bag before turning to me. "Let's not sneak around each other then. Tell me what Annabelle said to you. It must have been bad because Mrs. Ike told me you had to retire afterwards."

I take offense to that. "It was definitely not her that made me sick that night, Henry. She acted ridiculous."

"Well then?"

I exhale. "She told me about who you were before you met me. She said you became infatuated me to piss off your family. That I was nothing but a pretty face and won't be able to keep your attention forever. To which I kicked her out of the house."

He crosses his arms, like me. "Alright... and Arnold?"

"Behaved like a gentleman. He just wanted to hang out as friends. He saw that I became ill and tried to help. That's all. I barely said three sentences to him."

He presses his lips together, disapprovingly. "... I'm sorry you had to put up with her alone. I hoped you'd never meet her, or if you had to, that I would be there to take her shots."

"They weren't that damaging, Henry. I've always known about your past. I hear about it on almost every magazine published to man. But you're a different man than the one I met."

He tilts his head. "In a good way, I hope."

I nod. "In the best way."

He comes towards me, bending down in front of the bench. I uncross my arms as he grabs my hands, kissing each one gently.

"Your turn," I mutter, smirking. He nods.

"I went to see your doctor this morning to find out about your illness... I know you don't want to tell me everything and that you don't want me to worry, but fuck, Mia, that's like asking me not to breathe... I will always worry about you. I just want to know the welfare of my wife and I shouldn't have to go to him to know that." He squeezes my hands. "I don't know how to help you unless you confide in me, Mia. And as your husband, I deserve at least your trust."

"I trust you with my life, Henry."

"Then stop keeping important things from me. If you don't feel well, tell me. I promise I will be there and I will remain calm... alright?"

I nod, squeezing his hands back.

"Promise me, Mia."

"I promise, Henry."

He smiles, softly, grabbing my hair, tucking it back behind my ear. I have to give it to him. He still looks at me as if I were the most beautiful woman on the planet, opposed to the zombie I resemble lately.

I lean in, pressing my lips to his gently. Our mouths merely caress, unrushed. When he pulls back, he chuckles.

"Oh, I told off Nicole too," he says, amusingly.

"No," I gasp, gaping.

His smirk is wide. "It felt good."

"Um, spill," I demand, glad for some good news.


It's daunting how quickly a person's life can change. One day, I'm alone in this old manor, sicker by the minute. And the next, I'm- recovering. Actually recovering... slowly, but I am. I'm not dreaming it or wishing it. My heart is repairing itself, literally. It's due to rest and medication and proper food- all things heavily researched but mostly that I'm not happy when Henry isn't around.

And now that he is, I feel I can do so much more. It's been a month since Richard let him return back to Stoneham. We've barely left the grounds and just as quickly as he did in France, Henry has made me fall in love with this place too. Only goes to prove further that a house is not a home.

I wrap my arms around Henry's shoulders as the rushing current moves in every which way beside us. The river located a mile from the manor is not warm, but not cold. Henry clasps my thighs, kissing me deeply.

I feel young. I feel alive. I feel well.

"Happy birthday," I breathe against his lips as his lips curve against mine. He takes us under the water then.


Dripping wet from the water, we both lay on the blanket in our bathing suits, laughing. I turn almost immediately, reaching into the basket, grabbing the small cake I packed for him. I made it from scratch with Ida so I'm pretty sure it's amazing.

I mean, it's chocolate. I don't see where you can go wrong with that.

He smiles, shaking his head as I begin to sing happy birthday, flicking the lighter over the single candle.

"Make a wish," I murmur warmly as he rests a hand on my hip, comfortably.

"You decorated this didn't you?" he asks, referring to the massive amount of sprinkles covering the frosting. I hit him and he laughs.

"Just make a wish."

"I have everything I could want."

"Don't be that guy," I mutter.

He laughs, in shock. "What?"

"You have to make a wish. It's bad luck!"

"Says who?"

I shrug. "Everyone. Come on."

He closes his eyes and blows out the candle. I stare at him, a smirk on my face.

"You didn't make a wish, did you?"

He laughs. "Nope."

I hit him but he pulls me in, almost causing me to drop the cake between us. "Hey, careful!"

Without words, he grasps the small cake then, setting it down behind him distractedly. And then he clasps my face and his lips come down passionately opon mine.

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